Back Where You Belong

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Two Days Later. (Brodie's dress (: )

I ran out of Thriving Ivory songs, but Ed Sheeran also comes up on my writing play list a lot, so enjoy his voice while you read. Carry on, my way word sons.. (: Love you all, -Quinni

I sat patiently in the drive way. I checked my phone again. 7:36. I tried to keep calm as I shoved my phone back in my bag. I sucked in a gulp of air and let it out slowly. I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled my phone back out. Nothing. 

"He's late," I said to know one. I pulled up the text Oliver had sent me last night again.

Hey baby. We should be back at my house by 7:00 tomorrow. I can't wait to see you. We're having a home coming party at my house, so wear something pretty. (:

I went shopping for an outfit for Oli's party. I hate dresses, but since he asked, I figured I should dress up. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, tugging at my lose curls. I breathed out another angry sigh. They were half an hour late.

"Where the fuck is he?" I said. I gave up. I shut my aunt's car and stormed up to the front door. I don't know how i managed to find my way out to his house. I had only been there once, but I made it, and I was even on time. 

I walked up the front steps to his huge wooden door. I knocked a loudly. No movement. I sighed and held my breath as I reached for the handle. I let out a little gasp as it turned. 

"Hello?" I called into the dark room. Still nothing. I pushed the door open a little further. "Hello? Oliver? Sykes family? Anyone here?" I called I could make out a stair case to my left and what looked like a sitting room to my right. A long hallway lead what could have been the kitchen or dining room. It was so huge!

I walked into the house a little further, closing the door behind me. "Oliver Sykes?" I called. I was starting to get worried, Where was everyone, and why was the door open? I thought I heard a shuffling of feet behind me. I quickly turned around, holding my breath. No one. I started to sigh, but two hands clasped over my mouth.

"Hey pretty lady, what brings you here," the voice whispered, I tried to scream, but the lights flicked on.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. I screamed anyway. It was Danny who had ah old of me. I gave him a slap across his chest.

"You scared the shit out of me," I said, pulling him into a hug. He only smiled. Everyone else started coming up to hug me. Jake, Cameron and Elexus got there first, both boys scooping me up and swinging me around. Elexus gave me a much more calmer hug, then they pranced off to the kitchen to get drinks. They guys from AA surrounded me, hugging me tightly. Ben was last, pulling me tight to his chest.

"Hey beautiful," he whispered. Tears sprang to my eyes. I didn't realize how badly I had missed everyone else, especially Ben and Jona.

"Hey, handsome," I said. He kissed the top of my head and pulled away from our embrace.

"You better find Jona. He's been having a rough time," Ben said quietly. I looked at him sharply. Oli hadn't said anything about Jona. I quickly scanned the room. There he was, sitting on the couch alone, sipping at a beer. I pushed my way though the rest of the guys, giving awkward hugs and quick hello's.

"Jo?" I asked quietly. His head snapped up.

"Brod," he said. He looked so said and happy all at the same time. He jumped up and pulled me into a hug. 

"What's wrong?" I whispered. He shrugged, still not letting go. I was really close to Jona. I knew something was wrong. "You can tell me," I said. 

"No, I don't wanna talk about it. Go find Oli. He's been waiting for you," Jona said, pulling away. His eyes were glassy, like he's been crying. 

"He can wait, what's wrong," I said, more firmer.

"Brodie go, I'm fine," he snapped. I drew back. Something was really wrong..

"Jona.." I said, but he ignored me. He just sat back down on the couch, picking up his abandoned beer. I looked around the room for help. Matty spotted my desperate looks and came rushing over.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked once we were away from Jona.

"We're not sure. Look, go find Oli. You and I will talk later about Jona. Oli is simply choosing to ignore it right now. Go on Brodie," he said, shoving me towards the stairs. I threw one last look at Jona. He didn't see me. I tried to fight back tears as I climbed the stairs to god knows where. Jona had become like a best friend to me. I talked to him almost as much as Oli.

I reached the top of the stairs. The noise from the party grew quieter as I walked down the hallway. There were more stairs in front of me, and a line of rooms to both sides of me. I had no idea where I was going. 

"Oli?" I called softly. He didn't answer. I was starting to get pissed. The one person I wanted to see was no where in sight. My best friend was upset and wouldn't tell me what was wrong... Today was supposed to be a good day...

I leaned against the nearest wall. Tears spilled down my face.

"Great, now my makeup is all ruined," I said.

"You'll still look beautiful to me," a quiet voice said behind me. I froze. Two hands wrapped around my waist.  His soft breath tickled my ear. "You'll always be beautiful to me," he whispered. Chills shot down my spine as he pressed his face into my neck. 

I turned around to face him. He smiled, and my anger instantly faded. Before I knew it, he was kissing me, softly at first, but he pressed into it a little harder as I wound my fingers though his hair.

"I missed that almost as much as I missed you," he breathed. I only nodded, planting myself back on his lips. His hands rubbed small circles in the small of my back. I pressed closer to him, removing any space that might have been there before. He let out a tiny moan as I flicked my tongue across his lips. 

"I really missed you," I said through the kiss. He was the one to nod now. I felt him push me up against the wall. A moan of my own escaped my lips as his tongue crashed into my mouth. I tugged at his hair a little, giggling slightly as I felt him shudder with excitement. 

"Eh, ahem," I heard somewhere to the left of me. Oli quickly pulled away. Sam stood there, smiling like a goon. 

"Hey man, what's up?" Oli asked casually. I tried to fix my now messy hair and straighten out my rumpled dress. Sam smiled even wider.

"Two questions. Can I use the bathroom, and Danny wants to invite over a few more people," he said. 

"Sure, I don't care. And why are you asking to use the bathroom?" Oli said, smiling. His fingers found mine and entwined in them tightly. "We'll finish that later," he whispered. I giggled.

"Because, I dunno man," he said, giving us a sly look before disappearing into the bathroom.

Oli and I walked down stairs together, Drinks were thrown into our hands almost immediately by James. He was already plastered. Danny was in the corner on the phone, Probably contacting more party whores. I sighed and sat on the closest thing to a chair. 

"You alright?" Oli asked, a concerned look growing in his eyes. I shook myself and smiled at him. 

"I'm fine, babe. Just really happy to see you," I said, getting back up to hug him. I buried my face in his warm neck. His arms were wrapped tightly around me. I was glad he was back. He was the only thing that made me smile these days. I never wanted him to leave me again.

The door bell rang. A bunch of beautiful, already trashed, girls came in, screaming loudly as the guys from both bands swarmed the girls. I clutched Oli tighter. 

"Don't worry baby, I'm all your's, remember? Forever and always," he said, kissing my head softly. I nodded and shook myself again. This party had been long over due and I was ready to get my trashy white girl on.

*Oliver's Smile (Oliver Sykes Fan-Fic) Slow EditsWhere stories live. Discover now