Fate Written in the Stars

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Tris spent her whole life believing that a person's fate is written in the stars. She and her best friend Toby used to count nine stars for nine days believing that if they do, they can make a wish and it will be granted.

But that was before her best friend left four years ago.

They thought they were inseparable, but they were wrong. Fate seperated them.

Since then, Tris' life was a wreck. There was no one to stand up for her. She was always alone. She thought that if she gain friends again, they will just end up leaving her.

She's not herself the way she was before when she was with him. But one day changed it.

In the middle of June, In her Senior year in Divergent high, Tris starts a new life and decided to make a few friends, and try to change her fate.

A new journey, a new chapter and the next phase of her life. She walks into school with a confident face: chin up, chest out, tummy in, straightened her back and started her day with a smile.

As she was walking down the hallways of the school, She was knocked off by a girl who seems to be rushing.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry." the girl with the mocha skin said, helping Tris on her feet.

"That's okay." Tris said.

"I'm Christina." The girl said, extending her arm for Tris to shake. She hesitates at first but shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tris." She said. Tris and Christina accompanied each other for the rest of the day.

*Time Lapse*

"Bye Tris!" Christina yells as they go in their seperate ways. "Bye Chris." She said and started to walk home. She do her usual routine after school: Change clothes, Eat dinner, Finish homework.

Tris was completely bored and decided to go out and get some fresh air. She lays down on the misty grass and stares at the sparkling night sky.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine
..." She finds herself counting the stars and almost tried to stop herself.

She lets out a heavy sigh and wished, even though she hasn't counted the stars for nine days.

"I wish... I wish he's here with me. I wish he will come back to me." She said and a tear escaped her eye. She sits up and buries her face between her knees. "I miss you." She said, almost like a whisper, between sobs. She walked upstairs to her bedroom and get some sleep.

The next day was still uneventful until lunch break. "Did you know that there's a new kid that transferred in the seniors from London?" Christina said as she nudged Tris' shoulder. London? Tris thought. That's where Toby's boarding school is. He moved there 4 years ago.

Tris immediately felt her heart skip a beat, but instead, she shrugged it off. It's just probably another kid.

"Really?" Tris said to Christina. "Yup. I also heard that he's hot." She replied. He? A guy? Seriously? Tris thought again.

"Well, that's cool." Tris said. They sit at their usual table they sat on yesterday at the cafeteria and eat their lunch. They continued to talk while eating then suddenly, a group of guys barge in and sit down far away from them. Tris recognized some of those guys who were her classmates in a few subjects: Uriah, Zeke, Will, Al and someone new. That must be the new guy.

Tris tried to steal a look on his face but he have his back facing towards her. His body build seems familiar, but again, Tris shrugged it off and continue to eat her lunch.

*Time Lapse*

"So does anyone knows his name?" Tris asked Christina ss they walk to their lockers. They were heading home, anyway. "Yeah, don't you? Everyone in the school does, duh." She replied. "Yeah, I don't." Tris said. "Well, his name is Four." Christina said. Four? Tris thought. "Weird name."

After that, they said their goodbyes to each other and head home. As she nears their house, Tris saw a car parked in front of their neighbours house. Toby's house. Maybe another family moved in. She continue to walk in their house and up to her room. After she changed her clothes, her mom knocked in her room.

"Beatrice, someone wants to see you. Someone you might really want to see." She sense the hint of excitement in her mother's voice and made her wonder who that is. "Yes, mom. I'm coming." She replied.

Tris hurriedly ran down the stairs. "Someone's waiting for you in the backyard." Her mom said with a big smile on her face.

Tris walked to the backyard and see a tall boy looking at the sky. Tris seems confused. Why would a guy want to see her? The guy must've sensed her presence because he turns around and faces her.

That's when she sees him. Her jaw hung wide and she has this look of shock plastered on her face, like she saw a ghost.

"Tris." He said, and smiled at her.
"T-t-toby?" Tris stuttered, trying to stop the tears that is forming in her eyes. She pulled herself together and ran up to hug her best friend.

"You're here. You came back for me." Tris said, her voice muffled because she was hugging him tightly. "Of course I'll come back for you. I'll never forget you." He said.

"Was that you in school? " she asked. "Yeah, I'm Four." He said, a smirk forming on his lips. "Four? That's so lame." She said playfully pushing him. "Why did you even pick that name?" She asked. "I don't know, Maybe those FOUR damn years I've spen in my life without you." He said.

They spent the night talking to each other, but mostly, they were gazing at the stars, just like they did before.

From that day forward, Tris' belief in fate that is written in the stars has been going on. She was happy that she got her best friend back, the guy whom she secretly love.

Even though fate got them seperated before, It is also fate that brought them back together.



I do not own any of the characters, all rights belong to Veronica Roth.

The story cover was my ORIGINAL edit.

I hope you like it!

-Stay Fearless...

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