Can I go home? NOW!?

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"Ughhhhhhhhhh" Mori groaned. "IIIIIII RRRRREEEEEAAAALLLYYYY HHHHAAATTTEEE SSSSCCCCHHHOOOLLL nbnnnnnn" Mori fell off of her bed, face first. Half asleep. When she was like this no one messed with her, NO ONE. "I WANT BACON NNNNOOOOOWWWW MOTHER AND FATHER!!!!!!!!!!" Her sister walked into her room " I'm trying to sleep here!!" "I WANT BACON IDIOT NOT YOU!!!!!!" Mori was a middle child she was born in Japan but raised in the USA her mother was 50% Japanese and 50% Italian her father was 100% American, so she inherited most of the American from her father, of course!

Her nightgown sleeves dropped over her sticky palms and it was dragging on the ground and she stumbled to get down the stairs. She slid down the stairs White a big, THUMP!!!! "Oewie" she murtterd to herself."that hurt a lot!" She went into the kitchen and ate bacon, a pop tart, toast, and milk. When she finished her food she climbed up the Striars like a dog. She had 3 hours before the last day of school 'YAY!!!!' She thought as her mind flowed with ideas to prank miss. Baruna. Then she had it! It was cool!

Her idea was to create matching boyfriend for her teacher then have him dump her after they 'make out'! She quickly got on her long brown dress with it's skeeves going over her hands and stopped right at her sneeckers. She wore a black stacle that hung around her waist. She put her long hair in a small little side ponytail with the rest dropping to the ground almost brushed against it. She was ready for The biggest day ever!

And no one could stop her; not even herself!!! she would love today. "Today is a good good good day" mori said with a murderos smile.

This was THE BEST prank she has ever pulled, Ever and she has pulled over 1,000,000!! Sh bit her lip went down stairs laughing evilly grabbed her anime backpack and ran off to the bus stop there she stood impatchinly waiting, and waiting, and waiting, smiling like a murderer.

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