Chapter 3

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After getting our passports stamped, we walked through the tunnel that led to the plane.

"So why are you going?" he asked again.

"I'm going to school in Sydney." I answered. He looked shocked for a second and hesitated.

"You're still in high school?" he asked in disbelief.

"No! I'm going to be a junior in college in the fall." I said quickly. The look on his face disappeared and he laughed.

"I should have expected that. Sorry." he said, blushing. He looked down at his shoes and then looked back up and smiled. At least he's still awkward.

"So what are you studying?" he questioned.

"Marine Biology." I replied proudly with a smile. A grin spread across his face.We were soon let onto the plane. I walked behind him and he stepped into one of the first class rows. Of course he would be in first class. Why wouldn't he be? I just kept walking and made my way to the second class section. I sat down in seat F56 and fastened my seatbelt, waiting for the attendant to stop rambling on and on about the belts and safety precautions. After we had taken off and I had gotten settled, I pulled out my book and started reading.


About four hours into the flight, I couldn't stop thinking. I was so nervous to be in a country I had never been in before with no family or friends. Would I count Luke as a friend? No, we literally only talked for twenty minutes in an airport. I wouldn't say we're friends.

I had a job set up in advance as well as a small apartment. I didn't stay in dorms in the US and I don't intend to start now. What if I got kidnapped or something? No one here would know that I am even gone. I'm twenty years old and I am still afraid of strangers. I'm so lame it hurts.

I was biting my lip so hard I could taste the metallic pang of blood. There were millions of thoughts flying around my brain, but I couldn't focus on just one. Most of them were about Luke. Every word we said in the airport and the concert I went to when I was 15. That reminds me, I need to call Megan when I get off the plane. She's going to think I'm joking. She is going to flip out when I tell her.

The next thing I know, I see a head of blonde hair coming down the center isle. I almost started laughing because Luke was walking from first class just to use the second class bathroom. It must be occupied or something. His eyes met mine and he winked, then ever so gracefully, fell flat on his face. I couldn't contain my outburst of laughter. The people near me sent several harsh glares but I didn't care. He almost fell on a woman a few rows ahead of me. She gasped and smacked his arm. I laughed even harder, if that is even possible. He got up and looked from me to the lady and back, turned red in the cheeks, and practically ran back to his seat.

I was wiping tears from my eyes. I hadn't laughed that hard in forever. Megan was really my only close friend that I kept in touch with and we didn't see each other all that often anymore. I quieted down and put my headphones on. I went to one of my old playlists that I hadn't touched in years and played Try Hard because it was my favorite once upon a time. Amnesia played next and I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


I was woken by the flight attendant tapping my shoulder and explaining that we would be landing soon. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked out the window. I specifically asked for a window seat because I would never survive if I couldn't look out at the sky. We were over Sydney. How is this even real? Just this morning I was in my room at my childhood home, getting ready to get out of Wisconsin. Just from the aerial view I could tell that Sydney was much bigger than any city I had ever been to. I could easily fit my home town into it at least a hundred times. I couldn't believe my eyes.

When we landed, I went to the baggage claim and then quickly looked around for Luke. I didn't see him anywhere. I was disappointed but come on, it's not everyday that you bump into Luke Hemmings. I was privileged enough to be able to have a real conversation with him.

I texted my parents to let them know that I had landed safely. My stomach grumbled loudly and I looked around for a place to grab something to eat. The only place I recognized was Taco Bell and McDonald's. I hate Taco Bell. I had no idea what any of the other diners had. I walked over to the other side of the food court to get some McDonald's because I was definitely not going to eat Taco Bell. I ordered and gave the cashier a ten dollar bill to which she handed right back to me. I was confused for a minute, but quickly realized that I would need Australian money to pay. I cancelled my order and walked a little ways away from the counter to figure this out. I need food.

I looked up as someone cleared their throat. It was Luke. I was happy to see him because I definitely needed help with this entire situation. He must have been able to tell how confused I was because he just laughed.

"I don't have any Australian money. I didn't even know that you people used different currency." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"You people? Really?" he asked chuckling. I uncrossed my arms.

"That's not what I meant for it to sound like. I'm hungry and I can't buy food. Do you see the dilemma here?" I responded.

"Didn't you eat on the plane?" he asked.

"No. After your little accident I fell asleep." I teased. He blushed and laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You should have eaten on the plane." he said sassily.

" No shit, Sherlock." I answered. He laughed again.

"Someone gets feisty when they're hungry." he responds. I blush and look down, only then realizing how much of a jerk I am being. I look back up and meet his eyes.

"Sorry. " I say quietly, picking at my nails. I don't want to make him think I'm a brat. "Where do I go to exchange my money?"

"Don't worry about it. Lucky for you, I'm hungry too." he tells me. I smile.

"No, that's okay, really." I reply.

"No. Think of it as a 'Welcome to Australia' gift." he replies, laughing.

"Okay fine. I will pay you back Hemmings." I say sternly. He rolls his eyes.

"Go ahead and try Finn." he sasses back. I look at him for a second.

"How do you know my last name?" I asked him. He rubs his neck again.

"I may or may not have texted Michael to ask him to look you up on Facebook." he replies quickly as his cheeks turned a dangerous shade of red. I bust out laughing but quickly stop because I realize that Michael Clifford looked me up on Facebook. What is even going on? I definitely need to call Megan. Michael is her favorite.

"Just get me some McDonald's. " I say shaking my head and laughing. He nods and we head over to the counter. I can't stop thinking about Luke. We've only known each other for 17 hours but I can't help but feel like I've known him for much longer.


This probz isn't even accurate whoops

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