Chapter 6

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   Bzz bzz
   What is that noise? It's getting on my nerves.
   Bzz bzz
  It's my phone. Whoever is calling me right now should stop unless they want to breathe again. I roll over and move my hand around the bed blindly, feeling for the buzzing device. I come up short and groan, opening my eyes. It's on the night stand. By the other side of the bed. It's so far away. I sit up slowly to survey my surroundings. Oh yeah, I'm in a hotel. I'm in a hotel in Australia. I also met Luke Hemmings. I smile to myself and shake my head. It was fun while it lasted, right? My phone buzzes again and I practically growl as I reach over to pick it up. Who would text me this early? They clearly have a death wish.

   Meg: answer me asshat

   Meg: jk bb ily but fr answer meeeeee

   I shake my head and quickly tell her to call me. Almost instantly, my phone started buzzing.
  "Hi Meg." I say tiredly. I really only slept for 3 hours.

   "Hi Meg? That's all I get?" she huffs. I roll my eyes and switch the phone to my other ear.

   "What do you mean?" I ask, honestly confused as to why she's not pleased. I always answer the phone like that. I lay back down, mostly because I'm too lazy to keep sitting up.

   "You texted me yesterday in all capitals literally freaking the fuck out and you expect me not to retaliate?" she says. I do not have the patience for her sass right now. She's worse than Louis for God's sakes.

   "Well I certainly didn't expect you to call me at the ass crack of dawn." I tell her.

   "What?" she asks. I roll my eyes  again and fight the urge to sttangle her as I sit up to look at the clock. 6:47 am. Lord help me.
   "I'm literally going to stab you in the eye. It's 6:47 in the morning here." I tell her, sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose to wake myself up.
   "Okay, okay, I'm sorry I forgot about time zones." she says with a sigh.

   "It's okay. It's not your fault." I sit up again, flinging the covers off of my legs and dangling them over the edge of the bed. I need a shower.

   "So what was it that you needed to tell me so badly?" She questions. I automatically start thinking of Luke and the boys. A smile comes to my face slowly as I recall more from last night.
   "Do you remember that band we used to love?" I ask, hoping she remembers. She scoffs.

   "Of course. How could I forget those idiots?" She laughs, then sucks in a small breath of air. "You didn't."

   "Oh, but I did. I managed to meet Luke at the airport because my flights got screwed up. When we landed, we got food and then he took me to meet the rest of the boys." I tell her in one big breath. I had to pull my phone away from my ear after that because she yelled loud enough that I'm pretty sure my mom could hear her back in Wisconsin.

   "What was Michael like?" She wondered after calming down a bit. I laughed, knowing the first thing would be something about him.

   "He's pretty funny actually. His hair is blue now." I inform her. She sighs.

   "Did you tell him about me?" Now that I think about it, I really didn't. She's going to kill me.

   "Not directly. I told him that my friend and I had been huge fans." I tell her, ready to pull my phone away from my ear again. She didn't yell though. She only mumbled a quiet "Lucky" and sighed again. I kind of felt bad.

   "I'll probably never see Luke again. We didn't exchange numbers or anything." I say, just putting it out there.

   "Why not?" She asks. To be honest, I don't even know why I didn't ask for his number. He probably wouldn't have given it to me anyway. I wish I would've at least asked though.

   "I'm not really sure. It just never came up." I shrug. We talk for a few minutes longer until she says she has to go. We say our goodbyes and promise to text regularly to avoid a recurrence of this morning.

   I decide it's probably best that I get up and moving for the day. I have a lot to do. I need to call the apartment complex office and let them know I'm here, call in to my new school, and shop until I'm broke. But I can't shop until I exchange my money and I don't know how to do that. I should've asked Luke. I need to shower tgough. This is going to be a little more difficult than I thought. I sigh and grab my suitcase, pulling out my toiletry bag and a new set of clothes. Jeans and an old t-shirt. It will just have to do for today.

   After my shower, I pack up my things and take the extra little shampoos and conditioners from the bathroom because you never know when you might use them. I'm cheap, what can I say? I googled the number for the apartments. I completely forgot to write it down last time I spoke with the landlord chick. She sounds kind of bitchy, but I need a place to stay. She constantly tells me there are no pets allowed and tells me for the eight-hundredth time that parties are not tolerated. Do I sound like the kind of person to throw a party? My social life is practically non-existent.

   By the time I check out of the hotel, it's noon. I can't get into my new apartment until one. Once again, I google how to exchange currency. I'm obviously not going to get anywhere with no cash. From what the Internet tells me, I can just go to an ATM and take out money. That was much easier than anticipated.

   I collect my money and call a cab, giving them the man the address of the complex. Minutes later, we arrive. It hadn't occured to me that I technically wouldnt be able to pay the driver until now. He turned around, looking at me because I was ssuooosed to be giving him money. What am I going to do? My eyes went wide when he continued to look at me, patiently waiting.

   "Um, Sir, I am so sorry. I just flew in last night and I havent had the chance to exchange my money yet." He sighed and lowered his head. What if he calls the oolice or something? Can he do that?

   "So you're saying that you can't pay  place is smaller than I thought. On the upside, I won't have to buy as much furniture. I talk to the guy behind the desk and he gives me my keys. I'm actually kind of excited. Though it's that kind of excited that also makes you nervous. The small apartment consists of one full bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and one bedroom. Aside from things needed in the living room, almost everything is already here.

   Alright Sarah, list time. Going through the rooms, I mentally make a list of things that are necessities, and the things that can wait until I have more money. I suppose I really only need food, towels, and bedding for tonight. Otherwise, I have plenty of time to get other things I need since school doesn't start back up until two months from now. Locking the door, I make my way downstairs. I guess I'll need a car if I'm going to be hauling all of this stuff around. You don't have enough money for a car, idiot. I blow out a puff of air. How am I going to get the money for a car? I've been saving up for a year, but all that money is in an account. I could rent a car for a bit. At least until I make enough to buy my own.

   I look up the number for a rental place and once again, call another taxi to take me there. When I arrived,

lol hi carlita

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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