37: Aftermath

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<3 Jackie


"Aiden! Stop! No!" Vanessa cried.

She felt hands restraining her wrists and her body screamed with pain. Vanessa opened her eyes and found herself looking at Lexi.

"Hey, sis,it's okay. You're safe here. You're safe," Lexi reassured her."Aiden has been arrested. They've taken him in for questioning."

"Am I-The baby-What-"

"Shhh...Everything's okay. You've got a few cracked ribs and sprained your ankles but otherwise you're okay. The baby is safe too." Lexi pushed stray hairs from Vanessa's face. "Go back to sleep. I'll be right here."

Vanessa wanted to ask Lexi more questions but she couldn't fight the exhaustion that washed over her. She saw bandages all over her body and I.V. tubes attached to her wrists. A machine somewhere was beeping. Then she went unconscious again.


When Vanessa woke up again, it was dark. She was all alone in her room and for a brief second, she panicked.

Where was Lexi? Did Aiden get to her?

She pressed a button and called for a nurse. A few seconds later, a cheerful nurse came into her room and checked her vitals. She scribbled a few notes on a chart.

"You're looking good, Miss Holdom. We've put you on morphine and some anti-anxiety medication so you might feel a little woozy. Try to take it easy. You've been through a lot of trauma."

Vanessa nodded. "Where is..."

"Your sister will be back in a second," the nurse smiled. Then she disappeared.

Lexi returned a minute later holding a thermos and a bag of fresh fruit. "I brought someone to see you," she said.

Vanessa craned her neck and saw Dante and Adelina standing in the hallway.She felt tears well up. "Dante! Adelina. You came to see me."Then Vanessa felt self-conscious about her appearance. She probably had bruises, cuts and tubes all over her body. "Maybe you shouldn't come closer. I look like crap."

Dante ran into the room and stood beside Vanessa. "I was worried sick in the waiting room! They said we couldn't come see you because we weren't family...How are you doing? How do you feel? Can I get you anything?"

Adelina stood beside Dante, resting her hands on Vanessa's knee. "Are you okay Vanessa? What happened?" Her frail face was knitted with worry.

Vanessa tried her best to stay strong. She couldn't tell Adelina the truth. "I fell down the stairs, Adelina. It was an accident, but I'm okay."

Adelina frowned. "You don't look okay."

"It looks worse than it feels," Vanessa said. "The doctors gave me lots of medicine to make me feel better. I don't even feel anything. Just sleepy."

"When will you get out of the hospital?" Adelina asked. "You can come stay with me and uncle. We will take care of you."

Vanessa laughed but then clutched her broken ribs. They hurt when she moved. Every breath sent a sharp ache through her chest. "Thank you for offering to help, but really, I'm okay. I have many people who can take care of me when I get home."

"Can I come visit you every day?" Adelina asked. "Please say yes. I want to help."

"Maybe. If your uncle says yes."

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