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Eliza counted the number of champagne bottles that she ordered and counted them again. She was beginning to stress out. Furrowing her eyebrows she counted the bottles for a third time until the waiters exasperated sigh made her stop.

"Ok yeah that looks fine," She nodded after ticking off number three on her list. "Just make sure that tables 3 and 17 only get one bottle for the entire evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins have a tendency to talk crap if they've had a bit too much to drink."

The waiter nodded that he understood and left Eliza to read through her list again.

"That'd four things checked off," she noted to herself. "Now to make sure-"

"There you are, Eliza!" Eliza stopped reading long enough to see her beloved boss, Carlos Constantine of Constantine Corporation, make her way towards him with a girl who looked no older than her own age of 23 on his arm. She rolled her eyes at his sleazy tendencies, which he only chuckled at before sending him a dazzling smile. "You've organized an excellent party as usual, my darling."

"Thank you, Carlos," Eliza beamed in happiness at his compliment. She couldn't help it, she loved it when people appreciated how hard she worked on keeping everything organized and making sure that everything was running smoothly.

"Put that notebook down now," He tutted, causing the little blonde on his arm to giggle. "It's time to enjoy the evening. I'm sure Shanice can take it from here. Grab yourself a drink and join us on the dance floor."

"You know I can't do that, Carlos," I stated. "Shanice is already drunk and there is no way in hell that I'm dancing with your sleazy ass."

Carlos blinked before erupting in brash laughter. There was no way anyone else would have gotten away with calling Carlos Constantine a sleazy ass, but because he saw Eliza as his daughter, albeit and extremely mouthy one, he allowed it. He really was going to miss working with her. But he had a plan. One that was soon going to be rolling into action.

"Who said anything about dancing, you little madam," He laughed. "I'm going to be making my speech soon and I want you to listen to it."

Eliza blinked before looking down at her notebook.

"Speech?" She read and reread her list "What speech? I haven't scheduled for a speech."

"I know you didn't. That's because I changed the schedule last minute," He tapped his nose and gave Eliza a wink, causing Eliza to scowl. "Now hurry up and get yourself to the dance floor. I'm going to start in fifteen minutes. Now excuse me while I and my beautiful Annemarie have a little tête-à-tête on the balcony."

Eliza grimaced. Carlos was a total sleaze, but regardless she adored the old man like he was her father, which he pretty much was after taking her under his wings and making her his personal assistant when she was straight out of high school at 18. He had given her so many opportunities and to see him retire was really hard on Eliza, even though she knew that he was getting pretty old. She didn't even want to think about who would be taking his place as the CEO of Constantine Corporations because she knew that no one would even come close to the excellence that was Carlos Constantine.

Just as Eliza turned to check on the live orchestra one last time before she made her way to the dance floor she bumped into a rather solid chest. Reeling back, she looked up into the darkest, smoldering eyes she had ever seen. He looked like a prince, his wide shoulders filling out the Armani suit he had on. His hair was styled and gelled in such a way that it purposely looked like he had just had a good hard...Eliza could feel her face heating up with her thoughts. She really needed to get out more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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