A Quick Pick-Me-Up

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May kicked at the stones while she walked, her eyes planted on the ground. She had found that travelling by herself was rather lonely, especially just after a loss.

She sighed. The brunette always expected a comforting voice to chime in, coming from the likes of either Ash, Brock or her brother, but of course it never came.

"May?" A voice came from behind her. May was almost certain the voice was from her green haired rival once again.

"Dr-" she began, before turning around to actually see who it was.
The person that May was now looking at giggled. "I'm not Drew.."

"Solidad!" May exclaimed, excited to see the older, more experienced coordinator.
"This is the first time i've seen you in Johto! How's all your contests doing?"

She smiled. "Alright, I guess." She opened her ribbon case to show 4 shiny, different coloured ribbons

"F-f-four already?!" May's face sunk. She just barely had half the amount of ribbons the top coordinator did. Solidad knew what the younger coordinator had on her mind.

"Oh c'mon May. I know you're doing great." She assurred May. "I watched you and Drew's battle in Ecruteak city. It was very close you know, I think Drew got really lucky there."

"Yeah, but he won. That's all that really matters, right?"

"No, Of course not! You learnt something from it didn't you? Now you can go and apply that to your next contest."

May sighed. "I guess you're right." May's face slowly moulded back into her signature smile. "How do you always know what to say, Solidad?"
The peached haired coordinator giggled.

After the two caught up with eachother, their conversation met a long pause. May was deep in thought, and Solidad could see.

"Is somethi-"
They both made another awkward pause before going into a fit of laughter. Attempting to break the silence, they had both managed to interrupt eachother.

"You go first, May." Solidad said after they had finished laughing.

"Oh. I was just wondering." May thought for another second. "Sort of a strange question, but has Drew been talking to you about me recently?"

Solidad smirked. "Doesn't he always?"
May awkwardly smiled, trying to hide the blush that began to overwhelm her face.

"But, uh, more than usual recently maybe?"
"Not that I can recall, Why?"
"Oh, No reason!" May replied, with an unnatural amount of positivity.

Solidad became very suspicious, but let the matter slide away for now.


May stood in front of the pokemon centre PC, talking to two familiar faces which appeared on the screen.

"Darling, how are you doing after the loss?"

"Better now, thanks Mum." May smiled. "How's everything at the gym, Max?"

"Everything's great. Dad and I always have it going well!" Max replied, as their Mum exited the room.

"Honestly Max, I've been feeling pretty lonely." She admitted

"Of course you do. You're aLONE." He smirked, before his face became serious. "You shouldn't tell Mum that. She'll probably just force you to find a travelling companion."

May immediately thought of Drew. Why? She didn't know. Surely it would be quite inconvenient travelling with your rival. She had decided to travel alone so she could find her own style, but travelling with Drew would just cause her to adopt his. She thought again, being around Drew all the time couldn't be favourable for her health. Being constantly angry? Didn't sound so pleasant.


But as she thought more, adopting a bit of Drew's style wouldn't be that bad. And being able to train side by side, that could be fun. He would make her angry a lot, but recently he'd been quite nice to her. Much more a friend than a rival. Maybe even more than a fr-

"MAY!" Her brother yelled, causing May to stop her train of thoughts.

"Aah, sorry Max. Yeah, I guess I just need to get used to being alone."

"Yeah, that's all May."

Helllloooo. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Do comment below if you did. :]

Sorry if this chapter didn't have much to it. I'll try make the next a bit more interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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