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All characters rightfully created and owned by Rick Riordan.
Enjoyy ^_^
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chapter written by: muskan

As Festus flew high above the beautiful blue ocean, my stomach fluttered with butterflies.

Why, you ask?

Because Calypso was right behind me.

She wasn't awake or anything, she was sleeping. That girl (or woman, or an immortal woman, whichever you prefer) woke up the whole night and let me sleep. because I hadn't slept in weeks.

I turned back and saw her face, illuminated by the beautiful morning sun's light. Her face looked just perfect, and the way she exhaled her breath was addictive.

I decided not to gawk at Calypso like a total retard and started to focus on a million-dollar-worth scenery.

The sun was just rising and I figured that it was somewhere in the early morning (obviously). The sea was incredibly blue  and the sky was still a tad dark. It was a slightly chilly morning and whenever I felt that my hands were getting cold, I touched festus and my hands would start warming up. Wind hit my face and I couldn't help grinning.

Until now, we hadn't come across any monsters. I decided to take that as a good sign because I figured it wouldn't be very gentlemanly if I had to whack a monster on the head in the early morning. But still, it was incredibly lucky of us.

Oops, better not jinx my luck.

I didn't know where we were flying to and I also didn't have any idea of how many weeks we had been flying.

But one thing was I certain of. Calypso was with me. I didn't need anything else.

I expected myself to die in that explosion, but somehow I was alive, and somehow I was in Ogygia. It all felt like a dream at the staff, but when we flew from Ogygia towards nowhere, I realized that it wasn't a dream.

It was reality.

Beautiful, glorious reality.

I smiled at myself, as Festus whirred. My mission had been accomplished. We had defeated Gaia, and my main mission- to take Calypso with me had also been accomplished.

For the first time in my life, I didn't feel left out. For the first time in these months, I didn't feel like the seventh wheel, something which I always felt like in the Argo II.

I felt calm, I felt complete.

I looked down again and wondered where we were heading. I had asked Festus where he was taking us, (yeah, I can understand machines, big deal?) but nope, he decided to keep quiet.

I put my ear against Festus and asked him again where we were heading to, and I heard some creaks. I understood what he said. We were heading home.

As far as I remembered, I didn't have any home.

Camp Half-Blood wasn't my home, I didn't belong there. Camp Jupiter? It was also an another huge no-no.

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