Hannah |14|

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C seemed to distract her from current events that were going on.

No matter what the cause could've been C always knew how to cheer her up. Even if it had nothing to do with a fixable situation, talking to him seemed to make everything better. As Hannah got ready for the day ahead, she noticed she had an unanswered message from C.

Chairhandler55: I think you're getting ready for school have a good day! :)

Hxnnxh4dxys: and you aren't? But thanks.

Chairhandler55: well yeah! Just girls usually take longer!

Shaking her head at her phone she slipped it into her jeans. Grabbing her book bag from her desk chair she headed downstairs. She said goodbye to her mom before grabbing her coat, and heading to school.

The walk was short and brisk and in no time she was at the school. Placing her books in her locker a shadow next to her caught her eye. Turning her head slightly to the left she seen something that she could've gone without.

"Oh good morning Tristan. Not to be rude or anything absurd, but you probably shouldn't be seen with a pig like me. Your friends might think wrong." A sigh in response was the only thing she heard as a response.

"I'm sorry okay?"

Hannah stifled a laugh, "Sorry? That's going to fix it? We had a grand night together, and your 'friends' fucked it up!" She spat feeling angrier then ever. This much anger has never taken over her.

"What do you want me to do then?" Tristan whispered harshly.

"I want you to leave me alone! I gave you a chance it obviously was not meant to go on further!" Ripping her bag back out of her locker slamming it shut she headed towards the front door.

"Where are you going?!" Tristan yelled after her as she heard footsteps faintly follow.


After she walked all the way home seeing her moms car wasn't in the drive way. Walking in, locking the door, throwing her bag to the side she stormed upstairs. Turning on her stereo jumping onto the bed she furiously screamed into her pillow.

Chairhandler55: so I decided not to school today.

Hxnnxh4dxys: hey look at that! Me either.

Chairhandler55: hey is everything okay? You sound upset.

Hxnnxh4dxys: remember Tristan? Well when I got super pissy at you, we ran into each other at a BOOKSTORE! I know! But I'm a imaginative person, and he told me things that are nice to here also he opened up to me. So later he walked me home and asked me on a date, yes I agreed. It was really great actually and it went really well we kissed a couple times. (Sorry details are important) then it had a abrupt ending. As we were walking back to his car some of his friends said some rude things and he never apologized. Then today at school he tried too apologize and idk we kinda got into a fight and I told him I never want to see him again- which is true.

Hxnnxh4dxys:  sorry that sounds awful. I'm just over people, by the way I'm moving in with you.

Chairhandler55: sounds awful.. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I wish you would've remembered to stay away from him when we talked in the beginning. But yeah I'm setting up for you to come over right now!😂

Hxnnxh4dxys: sounds great even though I don't know what you look like. I'm so over being here.

Chairhandler55: I wish I could help more :(

Hxnnxh4dxys: trust me you help more then you can imagine.

That's when she realized C may not be only a friend to her. That she could be developing a crush.

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