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Aurora and Abby awoke, the winter's cold touch had a vice grip on their bodies, and the distant sounds of pained yells did nothing but add to the chill. They tried hard to gather their supplies at rapid speed, but the fatigue and cold slowed this process considerably. The Tortured were closing in fast and, with little defence, the girls wouldn't last long. It's funny how far people will go to protect themselves and those they care about under certain circumstances, all it takes is a brief moment of true fear and desperation and the masquerade WILL crumble, and you will see all as it truly is. Rory and Abby threw on their backpacks and hastily made their way to the safest exit. Upon reaching a window, Rory saw the tortured group and froze in her tracks. It was as though every single muscle had seized up completely, rendering her paralysed in place. There were 5 tortured, each one sadistically closing in on the pair. Abby tried ushering Rory along, but her voice fell upon deaf ears. Rory remembered everything... Dan's note, the fire at the school, the day she spent with Dan at the docks, the nights they spent together, following Dan into the city, seeing the New Haven incident unfold, seeing the behemoth and recovering Dan's wooden dagger. After what felt like 20 minutes remembering the world as it was, she finally focused back on reality and saw the world as it is. And she knew exactly what to do. She reached into her bag for her gun and Dan's dagger, pulling them both out and readying herself for a skirmish. Abby followed suit, clutching her pistol and keeping her old fishing knife ready. The pair opened fire on the tortured, taking out 3 of them, whilst missing multiple shots due to the remnants of the snow storm still passing. Time seemed to move so slowly for Rory, as she realised that Dan's dagger could take the tortured out for good. She felt it's handle grow warmer and watched as it changed from a chestnut brown colour to an ashen/charcoal black, before yellow detailing formed on the handle forming a strange sigil. She utilised the dagger to kill a tortured who had entered through the window, she slashed at it's head before it slapped the dagger out of her hand and then collapsed, dying. The last tortured was entering through a hole in the wall and the girls were fresh out of ammunition and ideas. The only thing they could do was back into a corner and put on a brave face, being observant. It wasn't enough, the tortured was three feet away from them, guaranteed victory. It opened its mouth, but only a gurgling sound came out, followed by a gagging sound. Some snapping sounds echoed throughout the house, interrupted by a squelch. It's mouth opened wider with yet another snapping sound. Finally, with one final combination of a snap and a choking gurgle, the tip of the dagger emerged from the creature's mouth, impaled through at the nape of the neck and emerging from the mouth. A jet black substance rose from out of the tortured's throat, accompanied by a guttural gargling until it finally slipped off of the dagger and onto the floor, mere inches from the girls. Rory and Abby were speechless and could only watch as the corpse collapsed to the ground. As they looked up, they saw a figure of a person in dark garb, their face obscured by a hood and another dark piece of clothing. The stranger was dressed head to toe in black clothing, wearing even a scarf and gloves, leaving no inch of flesh uncovered, possibly due to the harsh weather. Without a word, the stranger tossed Rory the dagger, as her eyes followed the dagger's path in the air, her attention was divided. As she looked back up at the stranger, he was gone, only a pile of ash being blown away by the wind was in his place. She looked back down at the dagger to see that it was a smooth chestnut brown colour. Flecks of ash fell through her grip and scattered to the wind.
It's funny what people will do in a moment of pure desperation.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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