7. First day of school part 3

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Class was over and it's almost time to finally go home. Spending a day with Harry in every single class. Damn. I hate his flirting...it's so.....UGH! He's been passing me notes all day.

I'm currently sitting in class waiting for the bell to announce that the school is over. I'm playing with my pencils, rolling them up and down my desk.


"I'm sorry, but I'm not married." I said with a smirk on my face.

"talk back again, your going to the dean." she scolded.

"okay, sorry" I answered.

"GO TO THE DEAN! NOW!" She yelled

"WAIT WHAT?! SHE WAS JUST REPLYING TO YOUR STATEMENT!!" Harry yelled from behind me.

"then you shall go to the dean as well." she said with a smug grin.

Harry sat down in his seat in defeat.

I've been to the dean only once. I only went there because the staff thought it was me who vandalized the school when I didn't. They finally found the real victim and he was expelled for a week.

That can't happen to me. No. It would go on my reputation. I don't want teachers to judge me before they get to know me.


The room is dim. Graffiti everywhere. Bad asses everywhere. There's always that one couple making out. This place gives me the freaking chills.

This is going to be bad......


Authors note


Okay so next chapter= new character. YAY! Anyway...keep voting thanks!


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