ASHLEY JACOB BLACK,a imprint story

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This is my first fanfic n I love Jacob but hate Bella so this story is not for Bella lovers. 

School!I've come back to school after staying in the hospital for almost fifteen days..I'll be meeting my buddies today after a long halt .I've missed them all... especially him .he has been my best friend and my secret crush(shh...i haven't told him yet ).i still remember the day i first met him in second grade...

It was the first day in my new school .The first period was art and craft .I've always loved painting .so when the teacher said that the best painting in the class would be given ten glittering stars , i was overwhelmed .i determined to draw as good as i can .i thought for a while n decided to draw the thing i loved the most ' My parents'they died in a car crash when i was 4 but i remembered them well.(i don't think the description of parents is required , its all just boring to read ).when i was completed, i raised my hand to call Ms. Stella .she came to me and said that it was beautiful.i ended up getting all the stars and a kiss from my miss. 

at the end of the day as i was packing my things, a boy came to was shorter than me n had copper colored skin so i decided to call him Mr. Brownie!well...he came to me and just stood at my table staring at my painting .i smiled at him and said "hello,i'm Ashley. what's your name?".he just said "mines better." before i could analyze what he said ,he had spilled water ( that dirty gray colored water u get on mixing all the colors)on my precious painting!.I cried my eyes out that day .i knew that when my time would come , he'd be the one crying(muahhahahah...)

after a month or so we all had inter school competitions.i signed my name for the running was on that very day of competition , they announced ,that two participants will have to tie each one of their legs with the other and run .wait , the worst part of all this was ......guess who my partner was? .he came to me and said"hi,name's jacob. you can call me ... lets win this or what? " i just shook hands n tied one of our legs together(his mom helped)and stood at the start and guess what?...we won !we actually won the race! 

mr .brownie and i were given a trophy and a certificate for took it happily on the stage with loud cheers from his parents. when we came down the stage,we both stated fighting with each other for the trophy that was in my hands and the certificate that with mom saw us fighting like mad men .she came to us and said"ok dont kill 's an idea ,one of you can keep the trophy for a week while the other has the the next week you exchange it."

well , ever since that day, we've been exchanging them . This has been going on for 6 years . he is my best bud( i dont call him Brownie anymore) its jake now.i was looking forward to meet my best friend .jake came to the hospital on the first day and promised to visit me after that but he never showed up!taking a looooong breath in, i entered the hallway , many of my girlfriends hello-ed me n asked me about my arms that were still they were not the people i was looking for.i was looking for Jake. After a bit of searching ,i saw him at the end of the hallway at my was leaning against it on one side so his back was facing me.i slowly walked to him.i could see flowers in his hands ,he brought flowers for me!lets hope this is a good sign. But as i neared him, i saw someone standing in front of him ... then he bent to kiss her on the cheek and gave her the flowers.!(my flowers)!i was pissed now.i just went to my locker and said bluntly" Jake,move from my locker,i need to get my book.".he turned to me and said"hey, how are you feeling now? guess who came to see you? BELLA"

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