1| Welcome To My Life

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Karisma tossed and turned in her sleep as her mother fucked a man she barely even knew, but this was her everyday thing though. Rose, Karisma's mother, was a crack addict. She'd do anything to get her next fix. Once she tried to let a man rape Karisma for a ounce. Shows how low she would stoop right?

Karisma looked at the clock on the wall and seen it was time for her to get up for school. Even though she didn't get the amount of sleep she should have, she still had goals. She couldn't end up in the ghetto like her mother. She refused to. So she got up and did her hygiene.

After she finished her hygiene process, she looked herself in the mirror and her eyes came across a family photo. Her dad, Her mother, and her. They all looked so happy and her mother wasn't a crack addict then. Everything went down hill when her "father" died in the army. Karisma doesn't know if that's her real father or not that's just some story Rose threw to her.

Karisma put the picture back in it's previous place and tended to her hair. Due to the lack of time she just left it in it's naturally curly state. Karisma heard the front door slam which meant her mother was gone. This was a daily routine so she wasn't new to it.

She walked down the stairs and instantly the smell of sex filled her nose. She quickly pinched her nose, grabbed her book bag and headed out the door. She walked to her bus stop and waited for her best friend Vivica. Her and Vivica had been friends since middle school and never thought to break the bond.

"Hey Kar." Vivica said walking to stand next to Karisma.

"Hey Viv, you ready to go to this hell hole for 8 hours?" Karisma asked and they both shared a laugh.

"Yeah, but it's our last year though then our lil asses gone be off to college." Vivica said lightly nudging Karisma's arm. Karisma fake smiled. She knew there wasn't any possibilities that she was even going to college because she couldn't afford it. Vivica's parent wouldn't mind paying for her, but Karisma wasn't one to hold her hand out.

"What about you and Chance once you go off to college?" Karisma said and Vivica smirked. Chancellor, but for short we call him Chance was Vivica's boyfriend. He was the real definition of a street nigga. He ran with the guys that wore timbs and smoked weed.

"I told him we could try long distance, but if it doesn't work out we move on with our lives." Vivica said just as their bus pulled up. They were greeted by the bus driver and took their seats.

"Let this day begin." Karisma thought.

"Oh, fuck!" Carter grunted as he fucked this broad name Kelly. Kelly wasn't his girl, but he ran to her when he needed some pussy. She was good for it though she did that to every other nigga in the hood too, and Carter knew that. That's why he didn't dare to claim that lil bitch.

"Shit girl." Carter said as he pulled out and went to take a shower. After he got out Kelly was laying down watching TV.

"You coming back tonight baby? I'm making dinner." Kelly said and Carter shook his head. He knew she couldn't cook worth a damn.

"You know what the deal is, I don't even know why you asked that dumb ass question anyway." Carter said putting on his timbs and his gold chains.

"I know I just thought--"

"I'm not fucking coming Kelly, shit. Call one of ya' other niggas I know one of em' would come." Carter said walking out of her apartment and walking to his Porsche. As he got in he heard banging on his window, he quickly reached for his gun but looked up to see it was only Rose. One of his loyal customers.

"Rose if I didn't have no respect for women, I would've beat the fuck out of you for banging on my shit. What the fuck you want?" Carter asked and she nodded scratching her frail body.

"You already know what I want." Rose said and Carter shook his head and grabbed the coke from his car.

"You got my money?" Carter asked.

"My daughter does, on 2nd & Grand Ave." Rose said and Carter frowned up.

"Let me tell you something, if this lil bitch don't have my money somebody gone have to pay. Get the fuck out of here." Carter said getting in his car and pulling off. Carter phone began to ring and it was Chance. Chance was his brother. They were almost twins but one decided to come a month earlier, which was Chance.

"Sup nigga?" Carter said making his way to get his money.

"Get to the hospital, mama ain't doing too good." Chance said over the phone and Carter quickly made a U-turn. He would just have to get his money another time, his mother needed him.

Within minutes, Carter was barging into his mother's hospital room. Chance was standing on the side of her holding her hand and Carter went to hold the other.

"How you feel mama? You alright?" Carter asked and she turned to him.

"I'm not good baby and I know it. How long they say I got left Chancellor?" Kaidy, Chance and Carter's mother said. Carter looked at Chance. Chance sighed and hesitated to speak.

"3 weeks ma." Chance said and Carter shook his head. Kaidy sighed.

"Y'all pick y'all heads up. I raised y'all better than that. I already prepared y'all for this so y'all already know what to do." Kaidy said as a tear fell down her cheek. Carter quickly wiped it away.

"I want y'all to get y'all life right. Get out them streets and make something of ya' selves. Have a family. Carter? Find a woman who will be able to put up with yo' bipolar ass." Kaidy said and they all laughed.

"Chance? You give Vivica a chance. She may be young, but she has a lot more going on for her self than these fast tail girls on the street." Kaidy said and Chance nodded.

"Now give me some sugar. Mama's tired." They both leaned in and kissed her cheek. She did the same to them.

"My boys." Kaidy said and they both smiled.

"We love you ma." Chance and Carter said in unison. Kaidy smiled and returned it. They left out her room and let her get some rest. The two men both left the hospital with their mama's words lingering in their minds.

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