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A/N: Some words/dialog are in Norwegian, translations are in [ ].
When I first conjoured up the story, I was listening to the song Against the Sun and created Anya Fia-Golnar; an independent teenage girl with the power of flame with growing emotions and potential.
I have a list of songs that I listened to, to create the different atmospheres throughout the story.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. :)
Enjoy! Here is Against the Sun.


Chapter One:

The bright rays of the morning sun hit my eyes, shining harshly on my face. The day was warm, and my people were running from building to building.

My clan is called the Tilbeder av Brann [Worshipper of Fire.], we are an ancient clan with many secrets. I come from the most mesmerizing island of ånd Flamme [Spirit Flame].

As I walk out of my home, a couple young schoolgirls across the path immediately looked my way. I tried to ignore their stares, knowing the voices in their minds are judging me. I see the same girls watching me almost everyday. I know they're probably studying my features, which are the complete opposite of theirs. Unlike them, I have strawberry blond hair and orange eyes. 

We all live in the realm of Vesta. Vesta is the goddess of sacred fire. She is our protector and creator of the Tilbeders.

During my morning herb tea, I was called to the Temple of Ember, the main building of ceremonies, and coronations. The building is castle shaped, and has more hallways than rooms. The bricks all have a sort of golden shade of orange to it, with many blazers filled with flaming coals illuminating the already bright morning.

The huge doors shine crimson in the bright sun as I arrive to see my father, Arati, the High Priest of Vesta. He is a brave man, very serious, but humble. When he first saw my mother, Elda, it was like love at first sight. They were together at the ages of eighteen and nineteen, but I don't know much about their pasts.

My father's strawberry blond hair falls over his forehead, while my mother has light brown, ombre hair, that falls down her back and over her dark brown eyes. Their high cheekbones both show whenever they smile, and when they smile, I can't help smiling myself. They were never known to fight. The last time I saw them ever fight, was when father thought of the idea to have Tilbeder males fight in an army he wanted to create for a war. Mother hates to idea of violence and separating families, because she never wants it to happen to our family, even though, sigh, females don't fight.

We used to have a huge army of soldiers plus the Datter av Flammer, to fight against our enemy Cybele, but sadly, the Datter was overthrown by an ambush with their advantage to spit poisonous and venomous acid from their fangs.

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