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Chapter 5:

Blood was flowing, pouring from my father's stomach as the claws of the serpent dug through his torso. I sat in horror, no words escaping my mouth. No sound. No breath. No thought. Just the feeling of my eyes watering, the tears falling down my face.

"FATHER!" I ran to my father, the clash of Adar's sword met with the Ophis' claws. The hot tears fell down my face, blurring my vision. His hand reached my face, and stroked the tears from it. I looked a his blurry face, a weak smile flashed on it.

"It's ok, Anya. I'll be with your mother." His smile faded and I knew he was gone.

My heart felt heavy, a gentle sob made it through my throat. Adar has pushed back the Ophis, moving its corpse to a corner.

"He... he saved me." I felt Adar's hand on my shoulder, and pulled me into a hug, despite my sobs.

"Dad..." I squeaked in between sobs. I had never called my father dad before. When I was young he told me to call him father. I remember those days. Being a child, young and free.

Adar gently rubbed my arm, my voice and eyes exhausted from crying, and I eventually fell asleep.

The dream came back, the face of my dead mother with cold eyes and bloodstained clothes. I wanted my parents back, how can I live without them? I still need training in being the Dav. I was shorter than my mom in this dream, yet it felt so real... my thoughts must have seeped through my mind, I looked at my hands. I'm a child.... I looked back up to my mom, a disgusting, terrifying face was right in front of me. This isn't my mother!

I tried to run, but my feet were stuck to the spot. I felt a rush of energy push me back. I flailed my arms to catch the air and expect the ground to meet me, but it never did. I fell through the floor and covered my eyes with my hands. My body was shaking and I was terrified. Please! Go away! The disfigured face was imprinted on my eyelids, the raspy black hair, the white eyes, the blood.

I felt warm arms wrap around my small body and I open my eyes. I felt the grass of the field brush my legs, I looked up at the face above me, seeing the beautiful face of my mother. I reached a hand up, and she held it tentatively, like my hand would brake. I smiled, knowing everything was OK. She smiled back to me, only turning her beautiful face into ash, crumbling with the wind. The ground below me got farther from me, showing I was taller. I must be in my early teenage years.

It was dark. Silent. My breath got louder and louder in my ears. I don't like this. My chest was heavy and my head was thumping. What's happening?! What's going to happen?! I felt more hot tears stream down my face, and I fell to the ground holding my heart. What is this feeling? I don't like it, I don't like this constant pain, this worry. My heart was thumping louder and louder, my lower torso tingling, my legs growing weaker. My arms twitched and tingled, until I suddenly turned to ash.


A/N: Sorry this was a bit of a shorter chapter, but I hope you still enjoy it.

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