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Yes I will be writing a sequel. It'll be called New Years In California so be sure to watch it for that

Also be sure to read my other Starkid Story's :

I Think I Could Be Falling In Love

What Was I Thinking (Richpez)

Don't You

The Man With Many Faces

And coming soon:

New Years In California

Thank you for reading♡♡



Let's talk about the story:

◇Im upset that it ended:
-this has been my favorite story to write out of all of them

◇I hate the fact it only has 5 chapters.
-I hit every thing I wanted to put into it, I wanted to make the chapters longer each chapter has over 1000 words (I know that is not that much, but I did it on my phone, so that's alot.)

◇No Signal?
-okay so the no signal was caused by fallen over telephone poles.

◇No Electricity?
-caused by the fallen telephone poles, when the poles fell it landed on only the theaters power box.

There phones.
-this is set in 2009 you tell me what kind of phone kind of phone you had, flip phone!

◇How big was the theater?
-well let's just walk through it shall we. You first enter through the lobby you walk down the aisle and there are stairs leading to the stage once you're on the stage to the right is the closet that they were in and to the left was the bathrooms and their little resting room and behind the stage was just backstage.

◇The End
-the last chapter was the hardest to write. I didn't want it to end, but it had to. When they are saved there are police and firemen there.

-I realized I was spelling her name wrong the entire time so I went back through to fix it I hope I got them all.

◇Fun Fact
-the picture at the top of every chapter is auctaly Michigan University.

The characters.
-Darren, okay he threw a hissy fit at the end, but can you blame him, his best friend kissed his girlfriend.
-Lauren, I may love Darren but Lauren was my favorite character to write. In reality would somebody's parents just go to the Bahamas for Christmas and leave ther child, no but her parents had to be somewhere.
-Brian, he was just trying to survive. There was a blizzard out side, WW3 in side, no electricity, no service. He was the leader.
-Jaime, she was the median she was trying to keep everyone's spirits up.
-Joey, let's be honest, Joey was just there he didn't do much.
-Joe, he didn't mean to kiss Lauren, he just got lost in the moment and forgot who he was with.
-Dylan, he was the savior, mainly because he was the only other one in Michigan.
-Meredith, she knew something fishy was going to happen, by the time she sad goodbye to Brian.

I hope you enjoyed the story. New Years In California will be out soon so keep watch for it. I hope you like our sit down if you have any more questions feel free to ask♡♡


P.s. I'm amazed at the love I got from this story thank you a so much and New Years In California will come out on Tuesday and be updated every Tuesday and Thursday

STARKID Locked in for ChristmasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat