The Stars

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"I saw the moon and I thought of you."

her words echoed in his mind.

"I see the stars and I think of you." He said to the girl, her head rested on his lap. "Because I may be what's closer, but you are what's brighter and more beautiful." He smiled as the wind blew her hair softly.

A symphony of various sounds surrounded them, everything creating a peaceful music. He let his head rest against the oak tree where he first saw her. He saw how the wind blew her short, red hair and how her green eyes lit up when she spoke of something she found interesting. How her lips rarely curled up into a beautiful smile when others weren't around. How an array of freckles were covered by glasses with rims the shade of blue.

There were forty six of them. Freckles, that is, he counted them earlier. They were a light brown, a contrast against her pale skin. Oh, how he wished he'd said something earlier.

"I'm the moon, and you're the stars. We add to the other's beauty." He brushed away a strand of hair that made its way into her cute face. "We were so in love," as he said that, his face twisted into a frown. He then remembered the pain he felt when he saw her with someone else. He'd even arrived early to surprise her with a present. Then he saw that she'd been unfaithful and she'd lied to him. "So why did you cheat on me?"

Tears began streaming down his face, rage taking over. He thought about how she'd kissed the other boy, and when he went to confront her about it, she said something he never imagined she'd say to him. It was awful.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you!" She said to him, like she was talking to a stranger. Like she was talking to a stranger.

He looked back down at her, his tears hitting her cold face. His fingers stroked her left cheek. "What have I done to you?" He whispered.

He looked below her neck, her body mangled and bloody,  crimson guts sticking out of her stomach. He'd ripped her to shreds. His own body was covered in the crimson substance, too. It was her blood. When it hit him, it was warm and it splattered everywhere, hitting the tree, the grass, as well as the other boy whom's corpse lay limply on the ground. Now, it was cold and it made him shiver.

This time, his smile was more of a grin, tears still stinging at his eyes. "Even like this, my dear, you are beautiful. I hope I can see you once more and we'll live together, in our own happily ever after." He then leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips. "I love you."

A/N Eh, I don't really like this one. Whatever, I just wrote this out of boredom. Also, I don't write many love stories because I usually give them a sad ending. It's just what I do. C:

Well, BYE!

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