Chapter 7- Countdown

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Foxy drummed his fingers on his desk, watching the clock yet again. It was a Friday, arguably the best day of the week. Maggie was wearing a light pink skirt and black and white striped top, which was another one of the little things Foxy had noticed about her today. Similar to how he noticed she talked with her hands and ever so slightly tried to flirt with him...

... or maybe he was just delusional. He was probably delusional. Either way, this was worth a shot...

He rehearsed what he was going to say in his head.

Hey Maggie? No, wait, that's not good enough. Maggie, I, uh... agh! That won't work. Would you like to... can I... can we... are you...?

The bell rang, and Foxy groaned, putting all of his things in his bag and walking out. He'd have to come up with something on the fly.

He went down one set of stairs, then the next, then the next... with each step, he got closer to Maggie. Closer to this question.

He met her at the bottom of the staircase, the same place where they'd been meeting for a month ever since they became friends.

"Um... h-hey Maggie!"

"Hi Foxy!"

"I-I kinda wanted t-to ask you, uh... would you... l-like to... go to the movies with me, or something? Tonight at eight?"

"Like a date?"


"Heh, I-I guess..."


She kissed his forehead and started walking, heels of her boots clicking on the tile. "Bye Foxy! See you at eight!"

... what just happened?

High School AU- Foxy x Mangle [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now