screw mild beginnings

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Shizuo wasnt extremly fond of the scent of blood but it never bothered him and yet he could smell it nearly a mile away so when he picked up the metallicy smell coupled with the douchy shampoo smell he growled and dropped the thug he'd been about to beat the help out of and followed his nose running the whole way he finally got to an alley way, shizuo paused and slowly entered walking through the trash until he passed a garbage can he instantly noticed a certain dark haired figure propped against the wall blood running from his nose and cracked lip izaya was holding his bruised hand over a bloody spot on his shirt
"Shizuo Chan" izaya breathed
Shizuo took a tentive step closer and took in the quivering man in front of him last a went to stand taller but his legs wobbled and he fell into the black suit front a hand went to his hips cautiously
"Izaya kun, who the hell didn't this to you?" Shizuo grabbed the shorter man's chin lifting his head he got a scared whimper and teary eyes as a response Shizuo sighed and let go of his chin
"Safe" izaya muttered before passing out his body went limp, Shizuo barely had time to grab him before the informant hit the ground in a lovely heap
He sighed and ran his fingers through his long hair lifting the man and carrying him towards the crappy apartment complex that was his left only with his solitary thoughts
'some one tried to kill him, some one either than me hurt him, fucking no one hurts him but me, this pisses me off'
Shizuo growled holding izaya a bit closer noticing the way his head rolled against his chest in such a vulnerable way
'i will track them down and beat them to death with my bare hands'
Shizuo flung his door open harder than necessary making the wall bow and shake he headed straight for his room setting the man down on his bed he pulled the shirt up relieving a stab wound and two smaller stabs beside it he sighed grabbed his phone ringing for shinra

jealousy or something like itWhere stories live. Discover now