Chapter 2: A life retold

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Naruto! But I wrote this poem myself, so fret not, it's 100% original :) Harry's life retold.

"Normal Speech"
"Parlseltongue Speech"

AN: To address the confusion of Harī using he or she pronouns, he will be used when he refers to his past life. She will be used when referring to her current life. Gods above, I'm SO sorry for not updating sooner but I'd reached this crossroad where I had so many merging ideas that I kept rewriting this chapter. In a way, I suppose that a multitude of ambiguous ideas is also a kind of authors block. Haha. Again, I apologize for the long wait. :)


Harry Potter: A Life Retold
I lived a life of lies,
I swept myself ashore.
I held myself to light,
I fought for the liberation of all.

But the end soon dawned,
And an era rose,
Betrayed, hunted, and sought.

Once I wept for all,
But then I sat to ponder,
Life once full of joy,
Seemed but a shadow of lore.

My heart a hollow well,
I wished no more of tomorrow,
No hope, no future, no love.

The gems I once held dearly,
Shattered into millions of shards,
The world a void of darkness,
What's left but everlasting coldness?

Then the trials began,
The fire of doom ignited.
A single man's Greater Good,
Had doomed us all to hell.

We were slaughtered like cattles to the madhouse,
For envy, jealousy and fear.
The ones whom we protected,
Had turned their backs on us.

Of dagger and torches,
The Middle Ages rekindled,
The mudbloods and muggles,
Sought the annihilation of all.

A genocide stared,
A race against time.
The jury's scythe fallen,
The Angel Of Death awoken.
Tis' the story of Harīko Potter.

"Gomen'nasai" A single fat tear rolled down her pale rosy. She wished with a all her heart that there was something she could do, but it was unavoidable.
[I'm sorry]

Chapter 2: A life Retold
Harīko watched. From, her small dark corner in the rundown house she reminisced as the small children frolicked around the garden. Sunlight filtered through the misshapen window and touched the yellow pages of her old worn book. She wondered if perhaps this was how Tom had felt when he was a child, whether this was what had caused his hatred and driven his ambiguous ambition.

It was like the Dursely's all-over, except this time, she had no one to blame for her failure. No Dudleykins to have caused her apparent isolation. 'Freak, Unnatural, Abomination, Brat, Devils-child' the list went on and on. If it wasn't because she had retained the memories of a world long past, she might have believed their spiteful charades of bravado and delusions.

One of the greatest lessons she ever learnt was that people feared the unknown and that the weak were nothing more but stepping stones to be trampled on by the stronger. In this aspect, Riddle was correct. There is no good and evil, only power and those too weak to seek it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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