Drugs pt. 1

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Wake up, eat, go to school, come home, eat dinner, go to bed, was my weekly routine. But It would soon come to an end, because he says so. I honestly don't like people, I mean I have a few close friends, but not a lot. People often think I'm mean, or shy, I think I'm lost. I've been having issues lately, but they've been getting better. Like I said be fore I have friends, and I also have a good family, people who love and care for me.

But That's not enough for me. I have to have what my heart wants, Love, I just want people to love me for who I am, not this mask I put on! Sadly I was almost there, the bridge of showing the real me (not trying to be cheese) But I'm sensitive, and their words hurt me. I Hate them so much.

I felt good for a little while, my life, was great! But then I got really depressed out of nowhere. Everything just went down hill. I found a bottle of some over the counter aspirin. So I kept them in my purse for when ever I felt pain I would take one. This "pain popping pill thing that I do has been going on for a couple of months. Nothing that  bad happens to me... I've only gotten dizzy, passed out coughed up blood, and my cuts don't heal as fast as they did, Like I said,  nothing that bad.

One day I got really fed up with the people at my school. I was sitting next to one of my guy friends, when I reached down into my purse to grab the pill bottle. He looked at me and all I said was "my head hurts." He understood and turned back to the conversation that was happing across from us.

I took out 6, for all the people that hurt me. Then one more to add for the person that hurt me the most. My friend turned around to face me. So I quickly closed my hand around the pills, so he couldn't see how many there were. His eyes looked at me with concern, then confusion. "How many are in your hand?" He ask, now turning his full attention toward me. "One." I replied. He asked again, "how many do you have?" "Fine!" I said. "I lied I have two in my hand." "That's a lie, I saw you take out four!" He said, looking down at the pill bottle laying in my purse. I open my hand for him to see. "How many are you taking?" He asked. I thought that was the stupidest question I've ever heard.

"You know you only supposed to take two right?" No der idiot! "I know." I said. I grabbed my drink, and took the first pill. His eyes still watching me. "What do they represent?" he asked. "All the people that hurt me." I replied taking another pill, then said a name of a person that hurt me. When all the pills were gone I got up and so did he. He told two of my friends what happen and one of his friends. And when I walked by they all stared at me. His friend spoke "Why would you do that?" One of my friends spoke, ";You know you could die!" I shouted at them," I know, but you don't know what's going on!" I said stumbling backwards. "I'll be fine, I am fine!" I yelled, stumbling back into one of the lunch tables. They just looked at me, Their faces all the same, "What?" I asked trying to stand up straight. I let go of the table, I became really dizzy. I looked at them, "Why do you do this to yourself?" My best friend asked. I didn't know what to say, I tried to speak but I couldn't. I fell to the ground and darkness closed in.

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