Water pt. 1

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I recently turned 13 this May, May 14, to be exact. Its been hard the past month. My best friend girl died, she OD. She was having a hard time, I have no idea why though. She had the perfect life. Emily got whatever she wanted, was supper popular even though she didn't know it, everybody wanted to be her friend, but yet she wasn't happy.

I've known her since 5th grade, but we really weren't good friends till 7th. We never had the perfect friendship, though. We had a lot of issues, but we managed to work through them. I've talked her friends, and they barely talk now, their eyes are always red and puffy. For me I felt guilty, guilty that I couldn't stop her. I felt like it was my responsibility to protect her, to keep her safe.

Nothing feels the same anymore, since part of my life is missing. I have new friends now. My mom says that I shouldn't hang around them. In her words, "they're a bad influence".  Honestly I don't care; I need a distraction from all that's happening right now.

My 'friends' and I hang around the streets late at night, and sometimes I don't get home till 2am. But I know when they let me go home, there sill out. I went to Juvenile Detention a couple a weeks ago. lucky for me I'm the youngest out of the group. We got caught for stealing, and vandalism of private property. Our ages ranges form 13- 18 and there is of us.

My mom was really disappointed in me, for hanging out with these 'friends; of mine. So I decided I was going to drop out. I went to our leader, which of course he was the oldest. I asked him if I could leave, and he said yes. I was so happy! now my mom would be proud of me! But like every good story... it comes to an end.

A end where the hero saves the day and there was a happy ending. But that's not real life, its not reality. Soon I would learn of this. A I will be paid a visit from a old friend; buttill then darkness closed in.

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