Life's Long & Crazy Race

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So many things that life runs through

So many things that happen to you

You get thrown, you get tossed

Oh just looking back at the cost

The ups and downs

The many smiles that become frowns

The moments you want so badly to give up,

Yet there you go pushing no matter what.

The times when you sat alone in your room.

Filled with such depression and gloom

Tears flowing down your face

Wanting to forever be rid of the world and every place

Wiping the tears away as you decide you are done

Questioning as to whether all the shit has won.

Deciding they shall be the one to lose

That you will no longer allow them to be the one you use.

So many goals you have set yourself,

Yet with everything going on..down has gone your health

Wondering what is the best you can do to deal?

Still at times wondering how it could all be real?

Tempting as always to just give up and let go

Even though pushing on is the best way to go.

Looking around asking how many more times shall I fall

Looking for that true friend that is worth giving a call.

Raising your head,

Getting out of bed

Rising again

As you decide to not give in.

Time to let that smile form back on your face

As you continue to run life's long and crazy race.

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