The Greatest Treasure to Hold (Love & Time)

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Time has a wonderful ability to make things grand.

A moment to think...a moment to comprehend

All that's been placed right before your eyes

With no hidden meaning or disguise

For life can bring the ups and downs

But then it also brings the solutions and pick me up to our frowns

That wonderful blessing and reason to get up everyday

Happiness unlike any other leaving one not knowing what to say

For that my dear would be you.

You give me feelings that leave me in confusion as to how to respond or what to do

The greatest gift to behold

One I cherish everyday and want to forever hold

Tightly clasped In hand and in my heart.

I just knew there was something special about you right from the start.

Time has a wonderful ability to make things grand.

A moment to think...a moment to comprehend

For what I see and what I hold.

You are the greatest treasure far greater than any gold.

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