Quits to it All

31 7 4

If you only knew what you did,

The moment you lied

Then I cried

For all the same bullshit to come out in the open for what you did.

Told me one thing, showed another

Makes me wonder why I even bother

I tried like hell to try again

Yet here I sit...seems I can never win.

Was warned boldness is what any shall face.

Yet, no where to be found was that the case.

So lie again and again as they all do

Guess I just saw the real side of you.

Seems to be a pattern always in place

As again I run through the race.

The race of time to get through.

Was hoping it changed the moment I gave a chance to you.

Nothing serious, but frustration all the same.

Who really is to blame?

You for lying to my face.

Or me for standing and waiting at that very place.

Thinking something for once would be different in my life once in for all.

Yet, left again with numbness from it all.

So what to do...

Shall I wait...

Will it be a decision I will come to appreciate..

or will I once again with more bullshit to await.

Guess we shall see in due time, but for now I am done and over the shit, walking out the door.....calling quits to it all.

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