The Inseparable Trio

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Chapter 1: The Inseparable Trio

[Kitchen, Connor's house, 6:30am, Fixing breakfast]

[Scene 1]

CONNOR'S MOM: "Connor, can you grab Molly's breakfast from the fridge?" (Yelling)

CONNOR: "I don't know why you bothered forming that as a question. You're using your it's-not-really-a-choice voice again." (Accusing, bemused).

CONNOR'S MOM: "Connor, you better do what your pregnant and tired mother asks of you." (Sassy) "How about that? Does that tickle your fancy?"

CONNOR: (Snorts, Opens fridge) "Mom, nobody says (Mimics) 'tickle your fancy' anymore besides you and the old couple with dementia across the street." (Scans refrigerator's contents).

CONNOR'S MOM: (Walks up the stairs with Molly balanced on her hips) "Is that your way of saying I'm old?" (Enters kitchen).

CONNOR: (Groans) "Mom, sit down."(Pulls out circular container of dark green sludge, scowls, wrinkles nose, dish of spaghetti falls flat on bare foot, freezes, looks down in disdain) "Fuck." (Curses under breath)

CONNOR'S MOM: (Chides) "I heard that!" (Sets Molly into high chair).

MOLLY: (Giggles in hands) "Conno said a bad word!"

CONNOR'S MOM: (Softens voice) "That's right. Connor said a bad, bad word. Let's not repeat that okay, sweetheart?."

MOLLY: (Gummy smile) "Fuck."

CONNOR'S MOM: (Eyes widen, groans, glares at Connor) "You're supposed to be setting a good example for your younger sister!" (Snatches bowl of green sludge)

CONNOR: "And I am. However, you never specified what 'good' entitled. If you think about it, you can't hold me accountable for your lack of proper instruction." (Remarks)

CONNOR'S MOM: "Ha, ha." (Laughs sarcastically) "You're so funny, smart ass. Don't think your allowance isn't going to suffer mister." (Looks over at the spilt spaghetti, sighs) "And for goodness sake clean up that mess you've made."

CONNOR: "Mom, I don't have an allowance." (Informative, compliantly bends down to clean up mess)

CONNOR'S MOM: (Throws hands up in the air) "Well, now you'll never have one." (Pauses) "You know sometimes I think you are just looking for trouble." (Shakes head) "You didn't get it from my side of the family."

CONNOR: "The history of mental illness on your side suggests otherwise." (Takes a bite of toast)

CONNOR'S MOM: (Raises brows) "Is the snark something you practice or does it just come to you naturally?" (Doesn't wait for answer, makes 'whooshing' noises, wiggles spoon, to Molly) "Here comes the choo-choo train. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo!" (Molly clamps her mouth shut, turns away, whining).

CONNOR: (Snorts, smiles endearingly, jokes) "Mom, don't play with your food." (Wedges toast in mouth, pulls socks on).

CONNOR'S MOM: "She's refusing to eat it. Why does she do this to me?"

CONNOR: (Pulls out toast) "Can you really blame her? I wouldn't either in her position." (Distastefully eyes the mush).

CONNOR'S MOM: (Places hand over chest) "Thanks, Connor. You're such a wonderful son. What would I do without you?" (sarcastic)

CONNOR: (Cheeky, winks) "I'd like to think I'm an important part of your life." (Says with mouth full) "I love you but just because you have a working blender now, doesn't mean everything in the nearest vicinity should be tossed in it. Some things just don't go together. It looks like frankenstein guacamole."

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