You Alright Mate

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Chapter 2: You Alright Mate?

[Cafeteria, Amherst Middle School, 12:10 pm, Eating lunch]

CONNOR: [Winces, clutches forehead, feet stumble]

DAVID: [Furrows brow, rests hand on shoulder] "You alright mate?"

CONNOR: "Yeah, it's just another dizzy spell." [Waves hand dismissively]

ZAVIER: "Yo, maybe you should see the nurse. You've been having quite a bit of those lately." [Concerned]

CONNOR: [Glares knowingly] "I don't need to see the nurse."

ZAVIER: "You know what?" [Smiles, claps hands together] I'll even take you!" 

DAVID: "Will you please stop harassing the nurse?" [Groans]

ZAVIER: [Huffs] "I'm not harassing her. I just like...visiting her. She's really pretty." [Leans against hand, sighs contently] 

CONNOR: "Yeah, well she's also pretty tired of you and your "mysterious illness" that have that odd tendency to magically disappear every time you go to visit her."

ZAVIER: "She's just that good. She heals you with her presence." [Bows theatrically]

CONNOR: "I'm--"[Gestures between them]"We're not going to the nurse. So you can drop it." [Stern]

ZAVIER: "Oh, okay pissy-pants. You win. Maybe you should though because you look constipated." [Lowers voice] "Are you constipated?"

DAVID: "Don't you have a tray full of food that you should be devouring right about now?" [Sarcastic, motions towards full tray]

ZAVIER: "School lunch is gruesome." [Hesitantly pokes chicken leg with fork] "And their chicken isn't even fried. Instead it's covered in this snot-like sauce." [Shivers] "The way they treat food ought to be illegal."

CONNOR: [Smiles faintly] "You could always bring a cold lunch." [Offers]

ZAVIER: "Nah, that takes effort. Butttt my mom did make us cookies!" [Wiggles plastic bag of cookies]

DAVID: "Yes!" [Grabs cookie, shovels into mouth "Your mom makes the best food." [Moans appreciatively]

CONNOR: "Do you need a moment with the cookie alone?" [Jests]

ZAVIER: "Do you have to sexualize my mother's food?" [Horror stricken]

CONNOR: "It's alright Zavier, it's nothing personal. He does this to everything that's edible."

ZAVIER: "You should probably stop talking." [Suggests]

DAVID: "You should probably get your mind out of the gutter." [Smiles, bites apple]

CONNOR: [Winces, pops two pills, swallows thickly]

ZAVIER: [Astounded] "Didn't you just take some pills?"

DAVID: "Okay, I'm ending this." [Tears the bottle from Connor's hands, eyes widen] "You're consuming these things like they're candy. And this is practically empty. Wasn't it full the other day?"

CONNOR: [Takes bottle back, defensive] "No. And guys, just leave it alone. It's a family bottle. I'm not the only one who uses it." [Reasons]

ZAVIER: [Sighs] "Connor you've got to stop taking those. You're probably making it worse."

CONNOR: "It's Advil. How does that worsen the pain?"

DAVID: "Well...if you were going to Alps with us you'd know that taking pills excessively can cause onset headaches. It would probably go away if you waited it out." [Chides, bitter]

ZAVIER: [Rolls eyes] "Or you could just read the warning label. It'll tell you the correct dosage for one." [Sassy]

CONNOR: "You're both asses." [Turns to David] "Can't you just let the whole school thing go? Alps doesn't have an engineering program. It doesn't make sense for me to go there."

DAVID: "But what about your best friends?"

CONNOR: [Shrugs] "We'll both make new ones. And we'll be in touch." [Reminds]

DAVID: [Grumbles]"Why are you so hell bent on leaving us?"

CONNOR: "Why are you so hell bent on keeping me on a leash?" [Counters]

DAVID: "I'-I'm not!" [Hurt]

ZAVIER: [Exchanges look, pitches in] "Okay ladies, take a breath. As much as I'd hate to break up the old married couple bickering, I have more important issues I'd like to discuss. Liiike writing the continuation speech."

CONNOR: [Breaks eye contact with David, swallows, turns to Zavier] "I thought you already finished it?"

DAVID: "And didn't you say it was the most grand and beautiful thing our ears would ever be blessed to listen to?"

ZAVIER: [Wrinkles nose] "I find it a little creepy just how well you remembered that. But yes, it will be! [Shrugs] "You know, once Connor helps me write it."

CONNOR: "You've told us only a billions times. I'd be a little worried if he couldn't remember." [Snorts]

ZAVIER: "Even so, we're talking about David."

DAVID: [Pouts] "Hey-"

ZAVIER: "So are you going to help me or not? You can sleepover at mine tonight? I'll make it worth your while" [Wiggles brows]

CONNOR: "Hm." [Thinking] "Can't. Mom has been on a rebellious streak lately. We don't have school tomorrow. How about my place?"

DAVID: [Coughs in fist] "Ahem."

ZAVIER: [Ignores] "But...will there be food?"

CONNOR: [Laughs] "There will be copious quantities of snacks, just for you."

DAVID: "Seriously guys? You guys are going to have an end of the year sleepover and not invite me?" [Hurt]

ZAVIER: "You've had Connor for almost everyday of the year. This is our turn. Besides we're going to be productive. You wouldn't like it."

DAVID: [Huffs] "Well you could at least have the courtesy to at least ask me."

CONNOR: "I'm sorry your highness, would you like to come over?" [Bows theatrically]

DAVID: [Pauses] "Nah."

ZAVIER: [Drops head on table, muffled] "What the hell was the point of that?"

CONNOR: [Lunch bell rings in the distance] "Your loss. See you at mine Zavier?" [Raises brow]

ZAVIER: "You've got it." [Bumps fists]  


Well there is chapter 2 for you all! I promised I would update I managed to a whole hour before 12am. xD So yay for that! Anyhow, because it's late I didn't read over what I wrote. So if there are mistakes, and there will be, I would appreciate if you pointed them out so I can make the necessary corrections! With that being said, I'll probably get on tomorrow and make the basic revisions and maybe liven up the content a bit. I'm exhausted so if it's shows in my writing you have my sincerest apologies.

I would appreciate any feedback you have good or bad! Let me know what I'm doing that you like or things you think could have been performed at a higher level. Regardless, I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks lovelies!

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