1: Beauty And A Beat

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©Floralite. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter One:

I was late! Oh god, I was late. Today, I would meet my uncle Scooter. After I landed yesterday, I headed straight to my hotel and dozed off. Thus, here I am now.

I started running as fast as I could.

I didn't know I was about to knock into someone until I landed on the floor with a big 'thud' 

"Fuck, Watch where you're going!" The person yelled angrily. 

I was still on the ground glaring at the person's shoes. "No, YOU watch where YOU'RE going!" I snapped, also bringing emphasize to the words 'you' and 'you're' 

I looked up to see the person I despised the most.

Justin Bieber

Yes, you got that right. Justin Bieber the heartthrob pop star. Also known as the bad boy player of hollywood.

You might be saying, you don't know him! Stop hating. Well you see, I've met him during high school. And let's just say, we despise each other.

"Gee, thanks for the help" I said sarcastically as I stood up.

He looked at me with a bored look and said, "Whatever"

I was frustrated and mad now. His attitude was one thing and now his cockiness is the other. I just wanted to bang his head on a table. 

"Wait, let me clear this up.. This is your fault!" I yelled at him.

"No, It was yours!"

"You know what? What were you doing before you bumped into me?"

"You bumped into ME!"

"Just answer"

"I was texting.." He said and waved his phone up in the air like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Then it was your fault!"

"No, it was yours! If you were watching where you were going, then you would have bumped into me" He said looking at me as if I was a piece of crap or something.

"Jerk," I snapped.

"Bitch," he snapped back angrily.

I narrowed my eyes at him,


"Slut," he said then smirked.

That was it. He officially crossed the line. "Call me a bitch, I don't care. Just don't ever call me a slut. I know I'm a lot of things but slut is not in my agenda. The only slut around here is you, you dumb player!" I yelled angrily as pointed my finger at him.

"You fucking don't know me!"

He yelled ruefully and walked away, pissed as ever.

Oh, If only he knew.. So he forgot about me. Well, whatever. I don't give a shit.

I pushed away all my thoughts and walked out but then, I bumped into someone.. AGAIN.

I groaned as I was on the ground again for the second time today!

I see a hand reach out and a voice asked, "I'm sorry. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I grumbled.

I looked up to see a gorgeous light brown haired boy with the most electrifying dark blue eyes I have ever seen. His eyes surprisingly widen when he saw me.

"Natalie?" The boy asked, shocked. How did he know my name? I don't even know him..

I gave him a confused look, "I'm sorry but do I know you?" I've never seen this gorgeous boy in my life. I would remember if I did.

"It's me, Zach"

Zach? I don't know any Zach's. Except for.. No, this can't be. Could it?

"Zach? The little nerdy Zach from high school?"

He let out a low chuckle, damn he turned hot. He wasn't the scrawny geek with big rimmed glasses, he was now the hottie with the body. He looked like a sexy greek god!

"Yeah, Allie. That's me"

I hugged him. Let's just say I knew him in high school too, we were close friends to say the least before he moved. He used to call me Allie instead of Natalie. But it was nice, I called him Zach, in short for Zachary.

"What are you doing here?"

"You don't know who I am now, do you?"

"What? You're Zach Ryan.." I stated the obvious.

He nodded and signaled me to go on. Then it clicked, he was THE Zach Ryan. The best teen actor in America and was named one of the hottest bachelors here.

"Oh my god, Zach! I'm so proud of you! I can't believe I didn't notice! It's been years" I screamed as I hugged him again.

He chuckled. "Same old Natalie. What are you doing here?" he asked me.

"Long story short, I just came yesterday and I'm living with my uncle starting today.." I stated.

"Oh my god, Uncle scoot!" I screamed. I forgot again.

He started to laugh, "I missed you Allie. Nice to see you again. We should hang out sometime. Mind giving me your number?" He asked waving his phone about.

I grabbed it and quickly typed in my number, bid him goodbye and hurried to my uncle's office.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in', so I entered. I see my uncle typing away in his laptop.

"Hey uncle scoot!" I said happily as I walked in.

He looked up and stood up from his chair. He gave me a smile, "Hey kiddo"

"Sorry I'm late. I bumped into someone. Or in that case, people." I said narrowing my eyes at the memory of bumping into that cocky arrogant beaver.

He started to laugh, "Now that's my Natalie I know and love. Always so clumsy and weird"

"I am not clumsy and I'm most definitely not weird! You hurt me, uncle scoot" I accused with a mock pout as I held my hands in my chest

He started rumbling with laughter, "Stop with the pouting! You look like a giant bug or a fat bulldog!"

I started to sniffle and wipe away my imaginary tears. "Not even 10 minutes and you're already so mean to me! What kind of uncle are you?!"

He chuckled again but then after a while, his impression turned serious. He engulfed me into a big hug, "I'm sorry Natalie, about everything. I promise I won't leave you.."

I gave him a sad smile, "I know uncle scoot, I know."


Author's Note: So she's scooter's neice? And she knew yet hated Justin? What do you think of their "relationship" will it be better or will it just be nothing but hate? What do you guys think of Zach Ryan? And like what Natalie said, he's one "hottie with a body"

Why don't you send me feedbacks or comments and tell me what you think? 

I really hope you like chapter one of "Beauty And A Beat." Sorry for the delay, I know I haven't posted for I while and I'm really sorry. Thanks for reading!

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Lots of love,

Keigh. xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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