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     I arrive at Ben's house and he's outside waiting for me. When he sees me walk up he comes up to me and greets me. "Hey Dan!" He says seeming to be in a good moo

      "Hey Ben," I pause, "Why couldn't you walk home today?" I ask curiously.

     "My dad wanted me to help him with something as soon as I got off of school." Ben responds.

     "Oh," I say in a short response as we walk into Ben's house.

      Ben walks over to his couch in the lounge and sits down, I follow after him. "Mario Kart?" He asks.

    "Hell yeah!" I respond excitedly.

-3 hours later-

    I set the wii controller down and get up. "Where are you going?" Ben asks confused as he gets up.

     "Come on," I pause, "let's go do something fun!" I say excitedly.

     "Like what?" Ben asks.

     "We should go to the mall or even go hiking or something, I want to go be like a normal teenager." I say.

     Ben laughs, "Dan, when will we ever be normal?"


Ben and I decided to go to a pizza place. We are just finishing when my phone buzzes. I reach into my pocket to see what it is. I grab my phone and turn it on. It's a text from an unknown number saying: "Hey Dan, it's Phil." Ben notices me looking down at my phone.

"Who texted you?" Ben asks.

"It's a long story," I pause, "okay basically I was at school, and this guy with a really cool fringe and really blue eyes kinda sorta asked me if I wanted to go see Muse with him." I finish

"OooH, my best friends got a crush!" Ben says excitedly while clapping.

"Ben stop, we're in public!" I say. Ben starts to giggle, and that makes me laugh too.


hey guys it's been a while, sorry about that hope you guys enjoyed :)


My Name is Dan// phan a.uTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang