Rosette Pink

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The Once Queen was a kind and sweet woman

With a scatter-brained King by her side

Though the days were blinding and the night frightening

She was happy to the day she died.

She'd always been prone to being ill

Stricken was the King to her death!

Their daughter could not be governed by his clueless self

After grieving a long time, he decided to re-wed.

But his heart was true to the Once Queen still

And the new wife was angered by his yearning

Was she not the one he should love now?

Her mind was hatefully burning.

She came across the woods and what was that?

Such a beautiful shard of glass! She'd think.

For the wrath it reflects in me, pillaging my will to no end,

I shall name it Rosette Pink.

She spread this newfound beauty everywhere

But what is the meaning behind this treasure?

She hung it as a mirror in her special quarters

And wondered how it could bring her pleasure.

As she filled the pasty-white roses with her sweet rosy pink

She silently wished to hold the King's longing gaze.

What shock! The next day he looked upon her greatly.

The Queen felt her cheeks blush a light pink shade.

This pretty rose color, of her love, filled Sunset

It spread through meadows, beautifully reflected on water

'Till one morn, her stone eyes hardened, and she bitterly realized

The King had not looked at her, but rather, his daughter.

The wretched girl! Always behind the Queen, of course she'd be mistaken!

The princess was the pure image of her mother, Once Queen!

Despite the plain kingdom, her white skin was snowy, hair like coal!

Well, thought the Queen, with my rosy pink, not as pretty as me.

The Queen stared at her glass, glowing with Rosette Pink

Still representing as her unrequited love.

It was the pink that gleamed with the color of joy!

But joy out of reach, very faint, from above.

She experimented with shades, such as magenta

Yet the rosy pink was still the best.

Decorating butterflies, heart, blossoms, homes

The light petal color stood from the rest.

One day, the princess, wandered in the Queen's quarters

And saw the wondrous Rosette Pink hung about.

She foolishly stole it and painted it on

Her lips, her cheeks, and her gowns.

Rage! The Queen felt when she had discovered

That now the pretty princess was even more so!

Not one shred of the rosy pink is left, she wept.

Every piece of happiness just had to go!

The Queen turned spiteful and plotted her ways.

The King and princess, unwary of the tears behind her wealth

You'll see, she murmured, I'll destroy you both!

Then the kingdom, the world, and myself.

What is that strange color in the black and white kingdom?

Is it the love that blooms like a rose?

Is it the Sunset marking the end of a story?

What does it take, and what does it bestow?

Even now, the magic Colour Glass

Still swirls with Rosette Pink

A rosy color filling hearts, or bringing misfortune?

Well, what do you think?

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