Aquelline Blue

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In the rivers and waters of the black and white Kingdom

Dwelled Sea People with tails and webbed hands

The Sea People were often let alone to swim in gray

When a sea girl from the Palace left for Land.

She thought no place could ever be so bleak as her sea

And arose only to find the same shades

She wandered disguising her feet in search

Of more to life, through the everglades

She came across the Kingdom with it's capital Wonder

And explored in this Wonder Land place.

She saw something gleam out the Queen's window

And snuck in at night leaving no trace.

Alas! What was this mysterious Glass!

But in her eyes, the pink was lost.

She instead saw a color so calm and lovely

She took it back with her, unaware of the cost.

Aquelline Blue! This was the name she deemed.

And let the color seep in all the sea.

The sea, vast, was loved now by the Sea People

Sweeping through the Palace and carried by the breeze,

The evaporating process allowed some faded color

To return to the ever-gray sky.

And just as it did, the anguished Queen

Happened to be walking by.

Rage! Rage is what behold her saddened soul!

And she ordered the sea be poisoned, killed, begone!

The King, tired of such demands, fell stressed and to death.

The Queen's last kindness wore thin by dawn.

The war with the Palace left the Sea People scattered

Their numbers reduced and they plunged into depression.

The sea girl, fearful, regretted her actions

And cried tears, cold and blue, along with her confession.

A Prince saw the sea girl and fell desperately in love

With her beauty and her good will at heart.

The Queen, giddily mad at the girl's execution.

Had forgotten of the Prince's small part.

With no obstacles, dash! He saves the poor sea girl.

And away rides, leaving a dummy behind instead.

The Queen never knew, and insane as she was

Enjoyed the fake death, and since then, with a lust to behead.

Lurking in the shadows, a purple haired witch.

Hired by the Queen, she knew every event, evil or absurd.

Of the treachery, the mad Queen, the runaway sea girl

Taking the form of a striped cat, she spoke not a word.

The witch had a special sorcery so forbidden.

Perhaps another time we'll play out her story.

Behind the scenes of the spinning dreams, 

Marking each tragedy and glory.

In that black and white Kingdom, could it not be at peace?

What with the Queen, the sea girl, and the striped cat witch ever sly!

Trouble as it is, the Colour Glass sinks with Aquelline Blue.

What is it's existence's purpose, and why?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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