Chapter 21: Vivid Dream or Unconscious Telepathy?

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I fell into a deep slumber, waiting for the car ride to be over. The smell of burnt rubber caused me to open my eyes. Everything seemed upside down.

“Dan?” I looked to my left and noticed the driver’s seat was empty.

“Dan!” The windows were shattered and the car was turned over. I was still buckled in my seat belt. I struggled to pull it off and I finally unclasped it. There was blood rolling down my face in small drops, forming a puddle onto the ceiling below me. I rolled out of the car door and into the street.

Why is there so much fog? Why is…why is everything so silent?

I walked around in the fog, calling out Dan’s name.

“Dan? Dan! I need you! Please! Don’t leave me out here like this!” I fell down to my knees in exasperation.

That’s when I heard it. A quiet whispering of almost hundreds of voices streaming through the wind. One was louder than all of the rest.

“My dear young tragedy, you will not find the boy here. For this is a place where only you can attend.”

I gasp for breath. “What do you mean? Who are you? Show your face!”

A soft pause echoed through the mist in the trees. “Fine. I shall show myself to you.”

A woman stepped from the haze and my eyes widened. She was so young, so beautiful. Her hair was streak black and her eyes were a bright hazel.

“My name is Talia Farewall. I don’t know if you know me by name but, your very great uncle murdered my little sister.”

“But why am I being punished? I have done nothing wrong!”

“No! You didn’t! But your great uncle did! Caroline was everything to me! She was the only family I had….”

I stared at her. She had so much sadness in her eyes. I felt so bad for her. I know how it feels to feel so alone. But then the sadness evaporated and was replaced with anger as I remembered how my mother died.

“I’m sorry but I shouldn’t feel guilty about this. I wasn’t the one who murdered your sister.”

“It doesn’t matter anyways. You will only be free if the curse is broken. Until then, you will be sought out and hunted like the witch you were created to be. For now, until I need to speak to you again, I bid you farewell and sweeter dreams. Good luck, my tragic case.”

The mist grew thicker as she stepped into the big grey clouds. I put my hands on my face and closed my eyes.

“Elena? Elena? Wake up.”

I opened my eyes to the feel of Dan’s fingers in my hair.

It was only a dream.

I think.

“What is it Dan?”

He pointed to a sign on the end of the road. 

“We’re in New Hampshire.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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