Dani POV

Fucking hell. I've got a killer headache. I sit up and then realise I'm not actually in my room. I'm in Johnny's. What the fuck?

I get out of the bed and go into the living room where Jordan is asleep. No one else is around so I go into the bathroom and find some ibuprofen.

I then go into the kitchen and find a glass of water. I feel a slight humming in the back of my head and quickly look around for my backpack.

I find it on the kitchen side. I quickly find out my tablets and take them. I feel the humming subside and take a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

I grab my phone and see that Bryan will be nearly done with his interview. I was out for about three hours.

I rummage through the cupboards and decide to make some pasta and spicy tomato sauce. Half way through cooking it Jordan wakes up with a groan.

He sits up and sniffs slightly before looking over to the kitchen and spotting me. I wave shyly at him and he looks at me confused.

"What the hell happened to you?" He asks as he stands up off the sofa.

"I'm Schizophrenic." I say quietly. Jordan looks confused so I elaborate a bit more. "Meaning I hear voices in my head and I cant tell the difference of reality and what's in my head if I don't take pills that stop the voices and such." He nods in understanding and grabs a glass of water.

"How did we get here." I ask Jordan. He quickly explains what happened and how we got here. I thank him before finishing the pasta just as the front door opens.

"Where's Alex and Johnnie?" I hear Jordan ask, most likely, Bryan.

"Johnnie is bailing Alex out." Bryan says. I turn around and look at them both.

"Why?" Jordan asks.

"Well she saw Cody being questioned by the owner of the venue and couldn't hold back so she leaped and beat the crap out of him before we could blink." Bryan says before looking at me. "You ok?" I nod and shove a bowl of pasta at both of them.

We start eating and I just push my food around my plate, not really hungry.

"You going to eat?" I shrug in reply to Jordan's question. I let out a deep breath and push the bowl away and rest my head on the counter top.

"THE WHALE HAS ENTERED THE PREMISIS!" The door is slammed shut and I jump suddenly. Jaydens walks in and waves to us all. We wave back and I shove my bowl of pasta towards him.

"Thanks." He says and devours every last morsel. The door opens again to reveal Johnnie but no Alex.

"Where Alex?" Bryan asks.

"Still at the station. Her parents are bailing her out." Johnnie answers and serves himself a bowl of food.

"What happened?" Jay asks. Jordan briefly explains what happened and I shuffle on my feet uncomfortably.

"I'm going up to my apartment. Thanks guys." I say before grabbing my bag and leaving the apartment. I go up a flight of stairs into my apartment and settle down onto my bed.

I close my eyes and fall asleep after locking my door.


Waking up to banging on my front door is not what I wanted to wake up to. Dragging myself out of bed and opening the door must of taken years.

"What?" I groan and suddenly Alex is on top of me along with Shannon.

"Ow. Fucking hell guys. I've still got a headache." I say and rub the back of my head as the guys just chuckle.

"Sorry. We were worried cause its like 3pm and you wouldn't answer your phone. We thought you were dead." Shannon says as she gets off me. Johnnie pulls Alex off me and Jordan gives me a hand up.

"Make yourselves at home. I'm going to go fix this disaster called my hair." I say and go into my room. I quickly put it up so my bangs are out and spray some dehoderant over my body before slipping on a hoodie and going into the main room.

Everyone is sat on the floor except Jordan and jayden who are sat on the sofa. I drop down ont o the sofa in between them bring my knees to my chest.

"What we doing?" I ask them.

"Horror movies?" Bryan suggests. We all nod.

"Here." I say and throw the remote at him. It hits him square in the face and we all laugh.

"Thanks." He says sarcastically and flicks onto Netflix.

He picks unfriended and we sit watching it. I get up half way through and go raid my cupboards.

I find some big bags of doritos, skittles, m&m's, coke and beer. Why the hell do I have beer? I'm not even legal.

"Did one of you guys bring in beer earlier?" Bryan holds his hand up and I nod and carry it all over to the sofa. I climb back on after grabbing the bag of skittles and curl up again.

We finish unfriended then watch, haunted house and mama. Half way through mama and someone knocks on the front door.

I pause mama and get upto answer it. Thinking its the Chinese Jayden ordered earlier. Boy was I wrong.

"Hello. Are you Dani?" What the actual fuck. Why are LAPD here.

"Yeah. That's me. Why?" I ask them.

"Your reported as missing. We came to take you back to your parents." He says. I shake my head. "You don't have a choice in the matter I'm afraid."

"No. I refuse." I say.

"Dani. Everything ok?" Jordan asks as he comes up behind me. I turn and nod.

"Dani won't come back home to where her parents are wanting her home." The cop says.

"Technically you can't come in without a warrent seeing as in its her home." Jordan says. What the hell is he doing. They didn't mention anything about coming in.

"True. We'll be back." They say and leave. Jordan shuts the door.

"What the fuck!" I yell. He rolls his eyes.

"Don't worry. Hey Bryan. Shall we go and hide Dabi the great?" Jordan says.

"That we shall. Let's go!" Bryan yells. Everyone gets up and files out tthe door. I quickly grab the essentials. Make up. Laptop. Phone. Keys. And a few sets of clothes.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Going to a friend of mines. You'll love him." He says. Im not too sure about this but I guess it will have to do.

"Hope in." Bryan says and unlocks the car. I get in and Jordan gets in the back next to me.

Bryan and Johnnie get in the front while Alex and Shannon sit in the other back seat with Alex on Shannon's lap and Jayden is in the boot.

"Guys this isn't going to work. Jayden move into Dani's seat and Dani sit on Jordan." Johnnie says. Jayden climbs over while Jordan pulls me into his lap.

Bryan drives off and towards his friends house. He pulls up half an hour later outside a pretty big house.

We all file out and Bryan goes and knocks on the door.

"Hey Bryan. Boys. It's Bryan!" Charlie Scene yells as he opens the door.

"Hey Charles." Bryan says. Charlie glares at him before doing a man hug.

"Mind harbouring a fugitive?" Bryan asks.

"Depends on who?" He says.

"Dani." Bryan says and motions to me.

"Your the run away the cops are after." Johnny says as he comes into view. I nod and him and Charlie share a look before nodding.

"Welcome to the Undead family home Dani." Charlie says.

My LA Escape//MDEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora