Dani POV

The next morning my head is aching and I feel really hot. Like really really hot. I try and push the duvet off but that does nothing. I realise that someone's in the bed with me.

I look over and see Jordans bed hair is on the pillow beside me. I sit up and rub my forehead to try and shift the hangover.

He grumbles something and pulls me back down onto the bed and into his chest.

"Jordan. Wake up. I'm hot." I groan. He sighs but lets me go before sitting up.

"Morning." He says. Last night's events come flooding back to me.

***last night***

I kiss Jordan with everything in me. He pushes me away and shakes his head.

"You're drunk Dani. Don't do this unless A) you'll remember and B) you'll want to do it again." He says.

"A is a maybe but B is a definite yes." I slur my reply before kissing him again. He slowly kisses me back and lowers me onto the bed while holding himself up on his skinny arms. My arms go around his neck and pull him impossibly closer to me if possible.

"Really?" We both pull away, my head starting to clear, sort of. Jordan looks over his shoulder to see Charlie.

"Fuck off Charlie!" I yell before bringing Jordan to kiss me again. I hear him laugh and the door close before its just me and Jordan. I've never noticed just how cute the cheeky bastard is until now.

His lips move against mine, getting rougher and rougher, faster and faster. Damn this is hot. I lean back to breath and so does he, while pressing small light kisses to my cheek and jaw.

"Why are you so damn beautiful." He whispers breathlessly. He climbs off me and onto the bed before pulling me up and into him.


"Dani!" Jordan is clicking his fingers in front of my face. I blink and shake my head before looking to see him with a raised eyebrow. I kiss his lips briefly.

"Told you I'd want to do it again." I say with my lips millimetres from mine.

"So you do remember." He says. His Canadian accent thicker in the mornings.

"Only just." I murmer before getting off the bed and going downstairs with him right behind me.

"Finished?" Charlie teases. I flip him off and rummage through the drawers for the aspirin.

"Looking for this?" Charlie says and holds the aspirin up while smirking.

"Give it back Charlie. Please." I say and his mouth drops.

"I haven't heard you say please since I met you. Jesus Christ. Who are you and what have you done with Dani." He yells causing me to flinch and rub my ears.

"I've already got a hang over you ass. Don't expect it again." I snatch the bottle and shake three out. I know its going over but this headache is a killer.

"Did the others get home OK last night?" I ask Jordan. He nods and shows me his phone. I read the text from Bryan and laugh.

"What?" Charlie asks. The others have gone home to spend a few weeks with family so its just Charlie here since he doesn't get on with his family (A/N that probably isn't true but I did it anyway. (:) since they don't agree with his life style choices apparently.

"Bryan said that him and Johnnie were up all night with Kyle, Shannon, Alex and Jayden since they were throwing up." Jordan says and makes a cup of coffee for us all.

I sit on one of the stools beside Jordan as Charlie is making breakfast. He slides me a plate of bacon and I pick up a slice of eat it.

"What are we doing today?" Charlie asks us.

"You can do whatever the fuck you like. I'm doing fuck all with this killer hang over." I say. He rolls his eyes.

"Movie day it is!" He cheers and goes to my room. He puts a film on and me and Jordan sit on his otherside.

I curl up under the covers as Olympus has Fallen is put on and we watch it. I cuddle into Jordan's side as Charlie falls asleep. My eyes start getting heavy so I let myself fall asleep as well.


"CHARLIE SCENE! WHERE ARE YOU?" An unfamiliar voice yells throughout the house, jolting the three of us awake. I look around as Charlie's eyes widen.

"I'm not here." He whispers. I nod and get off the bed by jumping over him. I go into the hallway and towards the stairs as a women starts heading up them.

"Who are you?" We ask at the same time.

"I'm Charlie's mother and I need to speek with him." She says in a clipped tone. "And you?"

"I live here with the guys. None of which are here. I believe Charlie went with Johnny or Danny. Or was it Dylan? I don't know. I just know he went with one of them." I lie easily.

"You're lying." His mother states.

"No. I'm not. He isn't here. There's no point looking around and invading privacy." I snap as she barges towards the first room.

"Which is his room?" She asks me. I point to the one opposite mine and she goes inside. She comes back out with a huff. She goes into my room.

"That's my room." I say. I walk in behind her and see Jordan leaning up on his elbows looking s bit dazed. He's shirtless, how he lost his shirt I don't even know.

"Where are you Charlie?" The women yells as I go and sit on the bed while leaning on Jordan.

"I told you. He went with one of the guys to visit there family. No point in looking." I answer. She goes over to my wardrobe and opens it before pulling Charlie out by his ear.

"So this isn't my son?" She asks.

"Nope. That's an alien that likes hiding in my wardrobe. I'm hiding him from the MUM. Major in under Math. Because aliens are super good at Math and they're wanted to teach idiotic college students." I lie.

"It's your brothers birthday Charlie. Didn't you think he might of wanted to see his brother today?" She demands. He's trying not to laugh at my lie. He fails and bursts out laughing. She hits him upside the head.

"Just go mother. I'm not going to that assholes birthday. I've sent a card and that's the best he's getting." Charlie says after calming down. Jordan is plating my hair in a French braid. He's completely focused and oblivious to the mother son dispute going on in front of him.

"Not unless you're coming with me." She says.

"What? So I can just be bullied by my own family? No. You guys don't like my lifestyle choices so you don't get a say in weather I go down or not. And I don't want to." He says while glaring down at her.

"He's still your brother." She snaps.

"That doesn't change shit. Now get the fuck out of my house. You aren't welcome here. Ever." He says. She glares at him but walks out of the door and then you can hear the front door slam shut. Jordan finishes my hair and puts a hairband in it.

"Do you want a hug?" I ask Charlie. He nods and I get up to give him one.

"What happened?" Jordan asks causing us both to burst out laughing while we hug the living daylights out of each other.

"If it makes you feel any better, you're my big brother. Along with the rest of those asswipes." Charlie laughs as we go back to watching the film we were watching before.


Hi hihihihihihi! New chapter. Havent uploaded in a while. *hides behind Charlie* I'm sorry don't hurt me.

Hope you like it. Bare in mind this book is basically random after random so no actual plot.

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