The key to my heart nalu

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I woke up to see happy in my room asleep on the floor. I stretched my arms and yawned before stepping onto the cold wooden floor. I rubbed my eyes and like a Zombie walked into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk dumping it on the table as i headed to the cupboard to see what cereals I had. I groaned. All that I had was dust bunnies and cobwebs.

"AHHHHHHH" I heard a scream come from my room I opened the door to see happy crying.

"Hey Happy what's wrong?" I looked at my partner in a confused way, he was tearing up.

"T..t..THERE ARE NO FISH LEFT!!" I covered my ears from the sound.

"Owwwww Happy! Dragon hearing dragon hearing!" He looked up at me wiping his tears.

"Gomen Natsu it's just there's no fish!" He burst into tears again and I crouched down and rubbed his head.

"Don't worry buddy Lucy always has food" he smiled and sprouted wings.

"Yaaaay" I smiled. We walked to the front door, Happy grabbed his pouch and we headed out the door.

"Hey Luce" I walked into her room and saw her crying."what's wrong?"

"It's Natsu he's missing" I blinked

"But I'm right here" I gave her a confused smile

"Yeah he issssss ....... AHHHHHHHH" I stared at happy confused

"What?" He pointed at me slowly

"I have to tell master" he said and flew out the window

"Lucy what's going on?"

"I don't know but you've changed see" she held up a mirror and my mouth dropped open. I had back hair and green eyes I still had my scar on my neck but it was darker and I looked paler than usual i slumped.

"Great know I look like Gray"Lucy managed a giggle before speaking.

"Let's go" I shifted


We arrived at the guild and everyone crowded around.

"A new recruit"

"Who is he?"

"What's his magic" me being as evil as I am went along with it.

" I'm James Ara age 18" Lucy glared at me

"Yeah I found him wondering around he was lost HA" I gave her the evils

"I use fire magi..." Suddenly I was cut off by gajeel

"Salamander?" He sniffed the air "what the hell is wrong with you" my eye twitched and Lucy blushed

"Awww man Gajeel I was having fun"

"Gehe idiot what did you do?" He smirked

"I dunno I just woke up like this" I rested my arms behind my head.

"NATSUUUUUU!!" I heard happy and master coming. Master looked at me in despair and shook his head.

"Gramps what's going on?" I asked

"Come to my office THE REST OF YOU GET BACK TO WORK!" Everyone went back to what they were doing and I went upstairs to masters office ready to hear the news.


Happys pov

A tear fell from my eye I knew what was happening to Natsu master told me. It was black magic it can change the appearance of people and control them and if the person wasn't free from the spell in a week they would fall ill and never use magic again.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NEVER USE MAGIC AGAIN!?" I was confused. Master looked at me calmly

"We can get poluchka to make it but you have to help.


"You have to be knocked out" my eye twitched

"Wahhhhhh?" Gramps facepalmed

"Let's go"


Yaaaaaay as you noticed I deleted the original and started a new hope its better

The Key to My Heart -NaLu-Where stories live. Discover now