Chapter 2- A Beauty Salon in the House?:

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Chapter 2- A Beauty Salon in the House?

          I walked down the stairs and out the door when mom called, “Cassie don’t forget your jacket and that last box in your room!”

         I rolled my eyes and called back, “I’ve got my jacket on and the last box is in my hands!” I walked out the door and headed to the moving van. Yeah we were moving to some unknown town called White Creek. That’s all my parents would tell me. I asked them why we were moving and they said they’d tell me once we got there. I asked them when we were moving and they said in a week. That was last week. I don’t know why they waited to tell me this. I even asked them that and they said that the house there was special and I asked them what made it so special and they said you’ll see. But my mom did say something about wolves… but she probably just meant that there would be some around there. The animals. Not the werewolves. You see, I kind of stopped believing in them a few years ago because even though my mom would talk about them, and tell me some stories about how she met one or a few, I never did see one. So to me, they don’t exist. So really, I have no idea where we’re going, why we’re going or why we have to leave so soon. I just barely had enough time to say goodbye to my friends last Wednesday before my parents pulled me out of school saying that I needed to be home and pack. I packed all of my stuff and when I was done I helped my parents. Except for my dad’s stuff though, they wouldn’t let me touch anything of his. I don’t know why I mean it’s not like I’m going to drop something.

         I sighed as I opened the moving van and put my big box in before shutting it then walking back to our truck and climbing in the driver’s seat. Yeah my parents want me to drive behind them the whole way there. They trust me to do this yet they don’t trust me to pack my dad’s stuff? Weird much? I leaned my elbow against the window and waited for my mom to hurry up. I swear that woman takes forever and all of her stuff is packed up anyways so I have no idea what she could be doing! Finally after a few minutes I beep the horn twice, telling her to come on. After another minute she finally appears with tears in her eyes. Oh please, it’s just a house. It’s no big deal. But then again my mom is a pretty emotional person when it comes to goodbyes. Unlike me and my dad who couldn’t care less.

         I watch her as she turns around and looks at the house. “Come on mom!” I yell, surprising her as she turned around and walked over to the car.

         “I’m sorry, it’s just so sad you know?”

         “No, no I don’t,” I said shaking my head. She sighs.

         “You are not sentimental what so ever.”

         “It’s just a house. Besides, isn’t the new one supposed to be better and special?”

         “Well yeah but this is where you grew up…” she trailed off looking at the house.

         “Just get in the van mom before I pull out of this driveway and find the house on my own,” I tell her. She rolls her eyes and walks over to the passenger’s seat of the van and gets in, shutting the door. I swear she acts more like an older sister sometimes than a mom.

         My dad honks the horn twice to make sure I’m all set and I honk back once to tell him ‘yeah’ before he pulls out of the driveway and into the street with me right behind him. Goodbye old house, hello new one I thought as I turned my iPod on shuffle and drove off in the direction of our new town.

         When we got there (forever and a half later), I looked at the house and slightly laughed. This place was huge! Imagine the biggest mansion you’ve ever seen and multiply that by five. That’s what our new ‘house’ looked like. More like a castle to me. But as I looked over at my parents they just looked up at it with big smiles. But I noticed something about my dad’s face. It seemed a little off. As if he was sad for some reason but really trying not to show it. I shook my head, thinking that it was just my imagination and walked towards them.

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