Chapter 47- The End:

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A/N: Okay! So, I'm uploading two chapters today because the one that I put up yesterday got screwed up and so I wanted to put this one up too and because I'd already planned to put this chapter up today. SO! This is the very last chapter of this story. I'll be uploading the sequel to this story soon, and I hope that everyone that's read this story continues to read to the next one. A HUGE thank you to everyone that's read and voted and commented on this story by the way! You all mean so much to me for taking the time to read my story and I'm so glad that you all liked it enough to let me know by voting and commenting, you have no idea how much that means to me! So, that's it. I'm going to let you all read the last chapter of One Choice, and like I said, the next story will be called One Way, so please, please, please be sure to check that one out as well! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 47- The End

I stared blankly at the bed as I folded my last shirt and put it in the suitcase. I sniffled and wiped a tear that trickled down my face. I had to do this. I couldn't start being weak now. I'd made it this far. I zipped up the suitcase and picked it up along with my duffle bag. They were heavy, but nothing compared to the weight that appeared once again in my chest. The crash of thunder sounded. It'd been doing that for a while. I made sure to wipe my face before walking out of the house. If I ran into anyone, I didn't want to look sad. I had to put my game face on. It was time for the best acting of my life if anyone came by. But this wasn't to walk over into a battle or to see how many rogues Nate had like I did a month ago. No, this was to protect everyone I loved. It was to protect Jake. I couldn't live without him.

I kept that thought in mind as I locked the door behind me. I took a shaky breath as I turned and headed down the driveway to my car. It was a good thing that my dad wasn't home. He was at the pack house, doing some Alpha business.

Just don't look back Cassie. If you do it'll just make everything worse.

I got to my truck and threw my bags in the back seat. Just as I closed the door, I heard someone coming.

"Hey, Cass!" I heard Jake call. I shut my eyes tightly.

Oh no. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. You have to do this! Think of Jake! Think of what Nate will do to him if you don't!

My mind replayed the image of my nightmare that I hated most. The look of agony on his face. Hearing his screams of pain helped. I focused on that and thought of what Nate would do to Jake if he ever got his hands on him in real life. He would torture him for sure. But how? Different scenarios ran through my mind and with each one I got angrier and angrier to the point where I wanted to hit something. Hard. Thunder sounded again.

"Hey," he said when he was right in front of me and leaned in for a kiss. I turned my head to the side and back away. He looked confused for a second before it was replaced by hurt.

Don't look him in the eyes, Cassie! Those are dangerous and you'll never be able to leave if you do!

I focused my eyes on the ground in front of me instead. There, that's better. It's safer at least.

"What's up?" he asked. I just shrugged and didn't say anything. "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere," I replied. I saw him run a hand through his hair. Man, I wanted to be the one to do that...

No, Cassie! Focus! You have to leave! You have to keep him safe! Nate's going to beat him and kill him if you don't!

Anger boiled inside of me at the thought. I couldn't let that happen. I would never forgive myself if it did.

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