SasuNaru: Why?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


Naruto was tired. So, so tired. Tired of chasing after him, teme, as Naruto called him so fondly. Staring at the wall of his apartment on his bed. He felt the pain of promises.

He had always tried hard to keep them, but he made a promise to him that he couldn't keep. Naruto didn't want that. In fact he despised to even think that he didn't keep the promise he made to... him.

But it seemed as if he had no fight left. He was just so tired. Thinking of him Naruto remembered the good times, forgetting the chaos caused and promises broken for but a moment.

Maybe, maybe Naruto could try one last time. Try to bring this lost boy home and rediscover the good times, where best friends are only ever best friends. Decision made, Naruto threw on his jacket and ran to the Hokages office to request a mission. "The Best Friend Mission!!!"


Two kids stood together on a dock. Both alone, both sad and both trying to be acknowledged. The blond haired child smiled at the raven haired boy, holding out his hand.

The raven looked at his hand for a moment unsure, but in want of a friend he steeled himself and pretended to be confident. He reached out his hand to the blond and they locked fingers.

The minute this happened they never realized their fates were sealed, and their promise would be broken.


"Baa-Chan I want to request a mission!" Naruto said banging his way into the Hokages office. Tsunade glared, secretly wanting to cackle as she saw Naruto ram his shin into a table, cursing, as he stumbled into the office.

"Why in the world would I give you a mission, when you have no respect Naruto." Lady Tsunade grumbled fondly at the kid, before taking a sip of her sake.

"Because you love me?" Naruto whined, pathetically attempting to be sweet. Tsunade snorted.

"Yeah right Gaki. What type of mission are you asking for?" She asked suspiciously but there were always available missions, and she wasn't letting this one go.

"I want to go after Sasuke." Naruto said. Tsunade deadpanned.

"Wow, surprise. I would never have guessed." 'Really,' she thought. 'Did he expect me to be surprised at this point?' Everyone and their mother knew that Naruto refused to break his promise to bring his idiot back home. 'Now if only he would call Sasuke what he really is.' Tsunade mused, watching Naruto fumble for words.

"Why now?" Naruto's attitude changed at this question.

"Just one last time, please! I-I just have to try one more time. I have to find him this time. I just have to!" Naruto begged, tears nearly spilling at his raw emotion. Tsunade was stunned, but not by the request. She was paralyzed by the desperate look in Naruto's eyes. She had seen that look before, worn that look before. So with that Tsunade made her ultimate decision.

"Go. You have access to all files pertaining to Sasuke. Now... GET OUT OF MY SIGHT GAKI! Find him." Immediately Tsunade felt regret as he rushed away.
"Too late now huh... Guess its time for some more sake, I need to get the taste of yaoi off my tongue."


Naruto pulled his cloak tighter around himself, shivering in the cold. After a week of searching for him with the files Tsunade provided he was beginning to despair. Unfortunately enough his latest lead was in the Snow Country, and Naruto hated the cold.

Nevertheless he steeled himself against the wind and continued his trek to the Yuki village. Upon getting there he quickly found a hotel and rented a room with what little money he had left.

The hotel had public baths and Naruto thought that would be a good place to gather info. Totally not because he was freezing and wanted hot water. Of course it wasn't because his face was numb, he told himself. Either way, those baths might have been the best idea he has had this entire week, minus the ramen flavored gum he invented. Except it didnt actually taste like ramen, and it wasn't gum. Oh well.

Heading to his room Naruto felt as if he was being watched. 'Impossible' He spotted his room number and unlocked the door. Walking in he set his luggage down, though he had brought the bare minimum with him on his journey. All he needed was ramen, underwear and one more thing. Ignoring his wayward thoughts Naruto rubbed his hands together trying to gain some feeling though his effort was futile. Grabbing extra clothes he sped down the hall, all the while feeling eyes on him.

He watched, remembering. Thinking about how much his old friend had changed. Yet, at the same time there was no difference. He still fumbled through life, only determination helping him along. Still so innocent, so pure. 'Lets change that.'


Naruto felt to cold tile behind him pressing against his bare ass. The rough grooves sensitizing his skin as the cold contrasted with the raw heat the person pressing against him emitted. "Teme."

"Dobe." Sasuke whispered into Naruto's neck, trying to resist biting to soft skin there. 'Of course he smells like ramen.' 'Does he taste like it too?' Sasuke's mind growled, tempting him further. He could feel Naruto trembling, from what he didn't know, but he was eager to be the one making Naruto tremble.

"I-i...Sas...i." Naruto stumbled, trying to breath and speak at the same time. But Sasuke's scent was taking over Naruto's mind. 'He's just so damn warm, he has no right to be so warm.' Naruto shifted, and froze, feeling something pressing up against his abdomen. Naruto knew what it was, he wasn't stupid. But ow was he supposed to feel about the fact that Sasuke of all people was pressing him against a wall butt naked with a hard on. Well Naruto didn't know what to think so instead he went with his instincts, and pressed his mouth tight against Sasuke's. 'I can think later.'

With that the two boys fell into one another, broken together.

Two people stood together on a dock. Neither alone, both having been acknowledged. The blond haired child smiled at the raven haired boy, holding out his hand.

The raven looked at his hand for a moment unsure, but in want of his lover he steeled himself and pretended to be confident. He reached out his hand to the blond and they locked fingers.

The minute this happened they never realized their fates were sealed, and their promise had already been broken. The promise to be friends could never have lasted, because like the moon and sun were they destined to be lovers.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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