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"Astro wake up" I hear my mother say in the most loveliest voice ever as if nothing important is today when in fact the day of the reaping is upon us , my mother laid me out my good overalls the light clean wrinkle free ones with the shinny buttons , my nice black shoes and a nice black undershirt , my little brother and sister are wearing the same clothing well except my sister , she's wearing a beautiful dress made of the same material and the same color to match.

We march forward fearing nothing for we have done this many times before without being called , the lady at the desk pricks our fingers and we walk towards the staged area where the lovely mrs.jubeli calls out the names for the tributes last year it was my friend Zane sadly he was killed in the finale.

The capitols anthem plays and after jubeli greets us , "welcome beautiful people of district 11" she says in the most annoying voice as always "and happy hunger games" , "and may the odds be ever in your favor" she throws out , my little brother who is right next to me squeezes my hand, "what" I say "I've got a bad feeling astro", "don't worry " I tell him for we haven't had to worry on any of the other years why sweat it now, I hear jubeli spit out "first lets pick the boys" usually it's the girls but well she's gotta change it up sometime , she draws the name from the boys reaping bowl at the left of the stage and in a loud voice says the name after about a five second pause after opening the name.

"Jason Storms!!" He grips my hand and drops to his knees "get up" I tell him "don't worry ok don't worry" "No!!" , "No!!" , "I can't go!!" "I'm not ready Astro!!" ... I look up at jubeli waiting Jason's arrival ... "I volunteer as tribute!!" I yell at jubeli, the peace keepers march me away , I'm not happy with myself I know I should have let him go , he's had training but I couldn't stand seeing him this way it ate me up in the inside I just had too.

"congratulations , what's your name" jubeli asks me, "Astro Storms" I say with some confidence , "now the girls" jubeli says as she walks over and pulls out the name after about another five second waiting ,me myself ,almost drop to my knees at the name "Iris Storms!!" Jubeli yells out, I see her on the floor , she slowly walks her way up taking it better than Jason , "do we have any volunteers?!" Jubeli says with that annoyance in her voice again , as she's about to open her mouth to speak a girl raises up her hand and yells "I volunteer as tribute" I knew her a 16 year old girl same as me , in age , and well other features also , we both looked fit , we had light brown hair and hazel eyes well her eyes were a bit more green then hazel , I've only seen her the days we had school.

Something tells me she won't be hesitant to kill me and the same goes for me.

"What's your name then" jubeli asks "Scarlet fisher"

the 73rd hunger gamesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz