Chapter 7

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"Thomas had not bothered to look around the beach where he sat. Bridgoltha could have been standing right behind him. He simply sat, slumped over, resigned to whatever might befall him. As he was completely unequipped, he was in no hurry to face anyone or anything. No one ever came back from Barren Isle, anyhow. He'd thought that, with the protection of the padded jerkin, he might at least be able to get close enough to a fire-breathing dragon to snatch Princess Eleanor away. Now what chance did he have rescuing her? "

Minho read aloud Thomas and the Dragon Queen, Newt curled up beside him as they laid on the blond's bed together. Newt liked placing his ear right over Minho's chest to hear the slight hum of his voice as it reverberated in his broad chest like a melody in tandem with his heartbeat. Minho held the book open with one hand and his other arm draped around Newt's backside. Where the book was, Newt could follow along the words read aloud with his gaze, just like he liked.

Minho had been in Newt's room reading to him for 3 hours now. He didn't want to leave Newt alone just yet, and now they could finally just be together the way they had both known it was meant to be despite anything else standing against them.

After a little while longer of this though, Minho sighed and looked at his watch, "I've got to give Janson lunch and get some other stuff done. I'll be back okay?" He said and closed the book, then kissed Newt's forehead.

Newt nodded and carefully sat up, keeping the blankets up on himself and silently watched Minho fix his uniform, "Hurry back." He replied softly.

"I will, trust me." Minho gently smiled back, then turned and left, and Newt heard the, sadly familiar, click of the door being locked behind him.

Newt laid back again and just stared up at the deep red canopy above his bed, his mind completely blank for a few, blissful seconds.

He really loves me back...I can't believe it...I wonder if we could somehow escape this nightmarish hell...No...Janson would catch us before we even made it to the door...Where would we even go? Everything is so far away from here...

His brain constantly conversed with itself and battled back and forth with his heart. He knew there was really no way out of here, no way to get away from Janson. But his heart wanted to just run away so bad; run away with Minho so they could be happy and maybe he could start to get back to normal...

But as though Janson had a radar for such thoughts, the grown man suddenly came in not even 10 minutes after Minho left. Newt felt his stomach drop and he instantly wanted to cry. He couldn't believe how...weak he had become. Just the sight of Janson made him break down, instantly filled with an indescribable fear and dread.

The blond sat up and scooted to move until his back was against the cold, metal headboard while trying not to tremble. Janson never came at this time of day and it frightened Newt greatly, "W-What are you doing here..?"

"I live here." Janson replied with a slight smirk as he walked over to the bed, "We need to talk." And all he did was stand there.

Newt was so used to Janson clambering onto the bed to just immediately begin taking advantage of him, it genuinely surprised the boy. "...About what..?"

"I think you know what. I thought more about our conversation the other night. And Minho informed me on your...incident." He said, glancing down at Newt's bandaged arm.

Newt felt embarrassment and sadness flush through him and he somewhat hid his arm under the blankets more.

"I don't want you spending any more time with Minho." Janson said firmly and crossing his arms over his chest.

Bring Back Hope (Janewt/Minewt AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz