Lagan Love

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Iris wandered through the town, all were wary of the Lady O'Frie, and her father must be the most wary because he was no where to be seen, which served to unnerve and relieve the young daughter. Sophie had left Iris only moments ago to assist her father with her drunken brother, Colm, a sailor who had, apparently, seen too much and uses liquor to muddy his memories.

She spotted the head of the Towns Guard, Paul Spotnich, a kind and gentle man with a voice of thunder when he wishes to be heard. She approached him cautiously, for he seemed to be deep in thought. "Deputy Spotnich?" She asked in a soft voice, which served to bring him from his mind.

"Oh, Iris. Ye needn't call me that, Paul will do." He chuckled, a rumbling sound deep in his chest, which soothed her. She smiled and sat on the ground before him, watching as he twirls the engagement band around his finger. That's when she remember he was to marry Sophie.

"Are ye lookin' forward to yer weddin' day?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. Paul frowned at her question, and reluctantly shook his head. "No lass, I am not." He paused, looking at her. "Its not that Sophie is a bad lass, but she is far to whimsical and for for the likes of me..." He trailed off. "And I do not love her."

This came as a shock to Iris. "Ye believe in love?" She gasped, eyes wide. Paul nodded, but said no more, his gray eyes locked on the mountains in the distance.

"One day, I hope, ye will find the love of yer life, Iris." He said, patting her head fondly. "When that day comes, don't let him go. Not even for any duty you may believe you owe to yer father."

Paul stood up and headed over to meet with Emmet, who was waiting for him.

Iris sat there for the longest moment in her life, when she thought of the word 'love', she thought of Ryan, of the forbidden Gypsy King that plagued her every waking thought. She thought of dancing with him in the moonlight, amongst other things.

But it was obvious to her that there was a hatred between him and her father, and that alone put her between a rock and a hard place. She did have a duty to her father, he was the only blood family she had. but, was it possible that she had a duty to her heart as well?

Without giving her brain a chance to tell her no, Iris gather up her skirts and ran to the bridge.


Ryan leaned against the wagon that was his home, and the home of his sister, Colleen. He watched as his troop prepare for a battle he, himself, wasn't sure he wanted to fight. Thoughts of the blonde angel prevented him from sharpening his sword and running over to kill Calloway.

All because he knew that her heart would be shattered by the act.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his, already, messy black hair, which was in desperate need of a cut, and walked to the bridge, assessing the border they would have to over come to get to the town.

He was shocked to see Iris running up to the edge of the river that separated the town from the camp. She looked frantic, as if she had sprinted the whole way, which was not a normal thing for the blonde beauty.

She let out a cry of shock as she tripped over a rock, cutting a small gash into her foot as she landed face first in the river, soaking her clothing.

Ryan held back a snort of laughter as he climbed over the bridge and meandered over to her, watching as she hobbled back to shore, sputtering and cursing like a drunken sailor. "Get over here and help me, Ryan!" She ordered, falling back into the water with a splash.

Ryan laughed, a deep belly laugh that rumbled through him like a warm fire. He watched as the anger left Iris's eyes as she smiled a little, reaching out a hand to Ryan with a hopeful expression. "Why are ye here, Iris?" Ryan asked, helping her up, looping his arms around her body and carrying her to the bridge, sitting her down on the edge, kneeling in front of her.

"I want to continue meeting you," she whispered, as if she had to force the words out of her mouth. Ryan's eyes widen in shock, he was surprised that she would even consider seeing him, a lowly gypsy, again. Not that he wasn't pleased with this, but he was surprised.

"What convinced ye?" Ryan whispered, touching her face, eyes narrowed. Was this a trap? Did she tell her father and he was using her to kill him. He continued to look her over with a wary expression, one that kicked her more, defiant side into high gear.

"I listened to my heart, is all. If that proves to be an issue, than I'll go home." She replied briskly, reaching her hands up to his chest, about to attempt to push him away, his periwinkle eyes glittering with a mixture of hurt and disappointment.

With swift movements that only came with practice, he pinned her to the barrier of the bridge with his hips and crushed his lips to hers, his hands coming up to covers hers, which allowed him a chance to realize how small they were against his, despite the radiated heat that seeped from her lithe fingertips.

She let out a soft mewl, the sound surprised, not unwelcoming, which only pushed Ryan to use his tongue to pry her mouth open and take her in a more decent manner than what his fantasies played out for them in his minds eye.

After his lungs ached for fresh air, he pulled his lips away from hers, opening his eyes to look at her face. Flushed a bright pink, her lips swollen and moist from his kisses, her eyes dilated and dark, slightly hooded with desire, though there was a spark of fear in her eyes, a confusion of what she was feeling.

He smirked, his lip curling in the way that made many look at him with pity or disgust, but he felt a swell of adoration for the female as she looked at his lips in star-struck awe.

"Meet me tonight, my fair, Irish flower." He whispered, though he made the words an order, he knew that the choice was hers alone.

She nodded, her tongue coming out from its natural hiding spot to re-moisten her lips. Ryan moaned and kissed her gently, his heart melting the moment she wrapped her arms around his neck and joined in the romantic and dangerous dance they had just began to hear the music for.

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