Midnight Well/Shadows Dancing

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A small, sharp exhale of air escaped from Iris's pursed lips as the flame on the candle's wick went out, the shadows devouring the room in quick succession. The shuffle of linen and cotton fabrics caused a small breeze like sound to fill the darkened space as she made her way to the door, her heart raced as she slowly pushed it open, the strangled sound of the rusted hinges creaked as she pushed it far enough for her to squeeze her petite body through it, careful to not let the door slam as it closed.

After getting through that, she paused to listen for her father, her sketchbook and charcoal pencil in hand for an easy excuse for her late outing.

No sound emitted from within her home.

With a sigh of relief, she looked to the woods, a breezing swirling around her and picking up strands of her blonde hair, tossing it aorund her face before freeing its hold and letting the golden tresses fall to her shoulders.
She paused, hr light eyes glancing about the darkened town to make sure no one was near as she broke into a run, heading to the Midnight Well, a place where no one went and the youngling of the town were forbidden to go, and for good reason, the adults claimed.

There was a legend around the well that scared many of the locals, claiming that one day, a young maiden from the town nearby had been out one night to meet a gypsy, seduced into meeting him, and was murdered before being thrown into the well, legend states that she haunts the well at midnight, the time she met with the gypsy, and will exact revenge on every gypsy and scare away young maidens that dare wait for anyone there.

Of course, Iris didn't believe a word of the legend and suggested that Ryan meet her there, its a place she knew no one would be, at least not willingly, and they could have a few moments to themselves.

Ryan hesitated before agreeing, it seemed he had been told the stories as well, and that he wasn't keen on finding out if they were true or not, which puzzled Iris, but not enough to question it for very long.

The moon light acted as her guide as she maneuvered through the woods, trying her best not to cut up her feet on small twigs and rocks, her heart thudding, leaving her chest achy. She was nervous, exhilarated, uncertain if she has chosen the correct path.
She jumped as he heard the small hooting of an owl above her, bright yellow eyes peered down at her, but in the darkness, that was all she could see.

"I thought I heard something," Iris spun around to face Ryan, half his body drenched in the shadows, the other half facing the moon light, causing his hair to grow A dark shade of silver, his eyes warm and inviting through the pale color.

Iris relaxed ever so slightly, a rush of air escaping her lungs. "I thought ye were Papa for a second there," she whispered, looking over her shoulder nervously. She had never done anything so disobedient or dangerous before, it was thrilling and terrifying.

He chuckled a little, holding out his work hardened hand for her to take. "He isn't here, little flower, so may I have the honor of yer company?"

Iris was taken aback by Ryan's formality, a faint flush rising to her cheeks as her eyes rose to meet his eyes. "Ye may, Sir McBrennen." She took his hand slowly, marveling by the course feeling of the callouses on his hand, as well as the gentle way he pulled her towards him, turning his body to the clearing, where a proud, stone well stood in wait for their rendezvous.

After they settled in the grass, he looked over at her with a gentle glow in his eyes. "Do ye really want to be here? With me?" He asked, sounding nervous, as if the answer was one he was afraid to hear.

"I do," she said in a low tone, looking at her lap, her hands wringing the fingers to stark whiteness. "I just don't know what to do. I've never done anything like this before." She explained when she realized how tense Ryan was as well.

He sighed and leaned towards her, the collar of his chemise falling open, allowing her to look at his defined upper body. She swallowed, hard, a faint blush rising to her chilled cheeks as Ryan swiped his rough thumb over the soft, smooth skin.

"What has you worried?" He whispered, brushing the tip of his nose over her cheek as he moved to bury his face into the warm crook of her neck, his heated breath sending shivers down her spine, her head tilting back ad a sigh left her lips. "I'm not worried," she gasped as she felt teeth nip into her flesh. "Not when I am with ye."

A rough sound escaped from his throat as he pressed closer to her body, kissing up the side of her neck, over her jaw, and finally landing on her lips. She inhaled sharply through her nose, quickly wrapping her arms around his shoulders, turning her upper body to face him.
As the kiss grew heated, their hands moved about, pressing, and pushing, and petting at each-other with slight desperation. Until Ryan pulled back with a jolt, his head tilted to the side as he listened carefully.

"What is it?" Iris deigned to ask after a moments silence, her breath came out in short gasps. He motioned for her to be quiet as he stealthily gained back his height, his shoulders hunched over, head down as he turned to her. "I think we need to end this night, my love. We will meet again soon."

"How will I know?" She gasped, standing up, trying to mimic his posture, which earned her an adoring smile. "I will call for you," he vowed, giving her one last kiss before running off into the woods, leaving Iris breathless and dazed.


Ryan ran to the stream, the sound of his sister singing, and a males voice ringing in his ear. He thought the well had been farther away from the gypsy camp than this, but he had heard the rise of his sisters seductive voice with ease, even if Iris hadn't. Even know the sound grew louder.

As he skidded to a halt by the stream, he saw a sight he never could have thought would be there. His sister, Colleen, in the arms of his enemy.

Who also just happened to be Iris's father. Keith Calloway.

Resentment boiled in the pit of his stomach. "Colleen!" He snarled, fisting his dagger, keeping it at his hip, though he desperately wanted to thrust it into Keith's heart.

Keith and Colleen jumped from their lovers embrace, Keith stepping in front of Colleen, as if to shield her from her brothers wrath. "Stay on yer side, McBrennan." He warned, glaring at him with those piercing blue/gray eyes that barely matched Iris's. It made it easier to want to kill him in the moment.

Colleen pulled Keith backwards. "Keith, we need to go, now!" She gasped. Ryan leapt over the narrowed stream and charged at Keith, who seemed to see the wisdom in Colleen's actions and words, and turned, grabbing her arm, and running at her side, away from Ryan, who had to stop himself before running into the town , where he had allies, and he had only Iris, and God knows he would never let her be brought into this deadly quarrel.

StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora