Truly real

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Ma and Toby sat on the stools at the counter in Ruby's like usual. I had Yogi with me we had been on a walk round the lake. He wouldn't go in the water even when I tried to tempt him in with a biscuit, although he did love going there. So did I, it was mine and Toby's special place to hang. I had came out in a little red dress with yellow wellies as it had been raining last night, but was sunny this morning. Although now I was almost wet through even though, Toby had borrowed me his coat. So we sat in Ruby's with a cup of hot coco and a chocolate chip cookie each. I had told Toby not to mention the whole shapeshifter thing to anyone, including Ruby as she was close friends with my Mom and I haven't told her I know about the whole thing yet. He didn't really need telling anyways.

"So about the Kat thing then, dose that mean it includes me?"  I whispered quietly while Ruby was in the back. "Yes but you two are only half shifters, dads a full one".

"Dose that make it a bit different for me?"

"Not really, the only difference is that if you stay in the supernatural world for to long they will sense you and ether kill you or remove your powers".

"About that, how do I find out what my powers are?"

"I have know idea, I don't really know much about shape shifters sorry".

"It's fine".

"I know I have an idea, it's dangerous and you don't have to if you don't want to, but I have to go visit the family soon you can come if you would like, we could snoop around for more info about shapeshifters".

"Cool yea, I want to make sure your world is truly real, what would you say to your parents though?"

"I will tell them the truth that your a shapeshifter, I can't lie they will be able to scene your supernatural entity".

"Okay but what about your brother?"

"He thinks your human and he hasn't told them anyway, where not meant to go out with the humans remember".


"Meet me at Think Rock at seven tonight I will bring you some suitable clothes so you will blend in more".

"Okay I will meet you at Think Rock, at seven sharp".


Later that day I met Toby at Think Rock, I told my mam that I was sleeping at Ruby's. We stood by Think Rock, he handed me a bag of clothes. In it was a red old fashioned dress and some plain black heals. Toby turned round while I got dressed. I took of my dress and wellies and placed them in the bag. I slipped on the other dress over my head. The gold lace straps cascaded over my shoulders. The dress spilled out at the bottom and was decorated with gold sequins. I slipped on the black heels and tried to tie the dress at the back but I couldn't reach. I sighed. "Are you okay?"

"Yes I just can't reach the ties would you mined". Toby turned around and for a moment he was still he blinked him self back to reality. I blushed a little by the fact that just my presence mad him stop in his tracks. He tied the lace at the back of the dress. I spun around in it and stumbled with dizziness. "Carful don't go ruining that nice dress of yours there will you". I shook my head. "So how do we get to your world?" He took my hand. "Close your eyes and picture the river and the fallen tree". I did as he said and closed my eyes, I was picturing the fallen tree when a gold and white cloud engulfed the image. "Hey Emma you can open your eyes now". I opened my eyes and we where stood near the river and fallen tree. I gasped at looked up, the birds where sining there songs again. "Congratulations you just did your first teleportation spell". I laughed. "So where do we go now".

Emma EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now