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Dear diary

It's been a day since we returned home. My mom was so angry with me. I was lucky my dad was their to smooth things over. She thanked me later though. Mr and Mrs Nightingale have and still are sleeping in our spare room. Ruby and Aidan have been sharing the couch. Kat and Ivan are in the loft with Evangeline. Whilst me and Toby have been sharing my room with Edelweiss, with an extra bed for Gretl. She's very shy and she only really trust me Toby and Del. She doesn't like Ivan so doesn't really trust Katerina, I think Kat tries to hard to gain her trust. She's warming up to Evangeline and Ruby who seem to have become close friends along with Mrs Nightingale. My dad and Mr Nightingale are now friends too. So for this moment all is well.

We haven't heard from Enchanted as of yet but I'm sure we will and when we do we will be ready for them.

My eyes fluttered open and I could feel the light breeze that was flowing into the room through my windows. Del was asleep on the sofa bed, Gretl was asleep in her bed and Toby was just getting out the shower. "Hey gorgeous". He said in a charming way. His towel was rapped around his waist leaving his chest exposed. "Hey hansom, and as much as I like you half naked I'm sure your sister wouldn't and we have a small child asleep over their, so please put some clothes on".

"Oh come on". He says as he moves forward and pushes me back onto the bed causing his towel unravel and fall onto the floor. I laugh and he kiss's my neck. "Toby,we can't". I tell him, but he doesn't listen until we hear Gretl stir from her slumber. I look at him to say I told you so. She starts to cry, probably forgetting where she is. I got up and walked over to her cot. "Hey it's okay Gretl your safe". I said in a gentle tone. She held out her arms signalling she wanted to be picked up. I gently picked her up and walked back over to my bed. I crossed my legs sitting her in between them. I rubbed her back in a circular motion to calm her down. It works a little, but I still give her one of my soft toys to help. Thankfully Toby reappears out of the bath room with some clothes one. Luckily before Del woke up, if she had woke up a few minuets earlier, she really would have been scared for life. She stretches her arms above her head and yawns loudly. This causes Gretl to laugh. "Hey do that again". I say and Del pretends to yawn and Gretl laughs. "You like that huh?" Asks Del, even though she doesn't expect and answer. She comes over and sits on my bed with me.

Down stairs I can hear that my mom, dad, Ruby, Aidan, Kat and Ivan are awake. My hearing has gotten better since the first time I used my magic, but it still isn't as good as Toby's. Toby comes over and sits on the bed with us. "So, Aidan said he and ruby have gone to check on the caffe, if you get ready we could all go down and get ice cream". I looked at Del for approval. "Cool". I stud up went to walk away when Gretl grabbed my arm. I turned to her. "It's okay Gretl, Toby and Del will look after you". Toby turned to Gretl. "Hey Gretl do you like painting". She nodded and he turned to me. "Would Kat mind if we used her paint". I shook my head and turned into the bath room.

I came out the shower, the towel rapped around me. Toby was sat with Del and Gretl on my floor. I think their was more paint on Toby that on Gretl. I looked at him and he looked at me eyebrows raised. "Big kid". I said, sticking my tongue out at him. Gretl copied my action and did the same. We all laughed apart from Gretl who just looked confused, which caused us to laugh even more. I looked at Del. "Theres a towel in the bath room if you want to take a shower". She nodded and got up and walked into the bath room. I sat with Gretl and Toby for a while before getting dressed.

It felt good to have my little red dress and leather jacket on again. I came out of my wardrobe just as Del was getting out the shower. Del looked at me and smiled. I was wearing this the first time we met. Toby turns to see what she was smiling at and when he caught sight of me his jaw dropped slightly, like it was the first time he had set eyes on me. I felt my self blush a little and soon Toby was up and I was in his arms. Before I could stop him his lips where on mine and mine on his. I didn't want to ever let go of him, ever. Del coughed and I pulled away to look at her. "Small child in the room guys".

Emma EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now