To my happy place

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I drown

I drown in the beauty of your love

Your love that is not eternal

Your love that is unspoken in words or in hugs

But the bliss of the moment transcends the joys of anything I have been lead to believe

But the bliss of the moment is enough to make my heart explode with excitement and hope

That I do not care that

I drown

I drown

In the pain that is Us

In the pain that we are not eternal

That your back is what I'm gazing at

But I wish to be by your side

And not just watch over you stagnantly

I drown

In a stream of silent, invisible tears

In a pool of what ifs and do's and don'ts

I drown in the darkness of not being able to see you again

But the light from your bedside lamp that is reflected on your eyes, and glasses frame, and hair

Is enough to pull me out of my reverie

Smiling as if time is staying still

As if time is stopping instead of the seconds ticking away

I drown myself in silly jokes and pleasant laughter and music you chose

While paradoxically striding through the quicksand of duties and oaths and promises

Of hopes and dreams and aspirations that I've known longer than your love

I drowned

And I rise

I drown

I rise

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