Chapter 2- Crumpled Paper Balls

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C h a p t e r  2

S t a c e y  W a l k e r

"Are they still after me?" Susan asked to me, whispering.

I checked back my shoulder. Nothing.

"Nope." I told her.

She gave a sigh of relief, and threw off her hat. The paparazzi were bombarding us when she picked me up for school, breaking her car window, causing Susan to leash out on them.

I didn't understand why her parent's didn't just take her to a private school.

Susan locked her silver Volvo with her keys, scanning the driveway with her vivid blue eyes.

"I might have to go undercover in another public school." She told me worriedly.

I gasped, pushing the front entrance door open.

"Just like those Wattpad stories?" I asked her.

She shook her head, smiling.

"No. No one there will call people 'nerds'" She said.

She turned on her heel to her own locker. I went to my locker, opening it. I didn't want to do history class, especially having Blake behind me.


"Class, this project is due on the tenth so be careful to- yes?" Miss. Rottenmier said to me.

"Miss, that's the same day for the quater exam can you extend the project?" I asked her.

She stared down at me, giving me a sharp 'no'.

I sighed, slumping low in my seat. It's hard enough, trying to keep mom alive, let alone my grades.

"Look's like someone's scared to fail." Blake said behind me.

I whirled around, seeing Blake smirking, running one hand through his his dirty blonde hair.

"Would you stop checking me out?"Blake demanded loudly.

Everyone else heard, and the whole class erupted in loud giggles. I ducked my head down back to my textbook, my cheeks flaming.

"Why would I check out you're hideous face?" I retorted.

The class gave 'Ooohs' as I gave him a triumphant smirk.

"That'll do class. Florence, you have an after school." Mrs. Rottenmier said.

I slumped back in my seat, my smirk wiped completely of my face.

I hate that woman.


"I guess I'll text you when I'm done." I told Susan.

She nodded, looking unsure.

"But what if some of the paparazzi come again?" She asked,  slightly whimpering.

"Then call your dad, he'll chase them away." I told her.

She shook her head, walking to the parking lot, murmuring to herself.

I headed to the detention room, which was my math teacher, Miss. Hawt's room.

I was the first one there. Miss. Hawt was there grading papers. She glanced at me.

"Sit anywhere you want, Flo." She said kindly to me.

I sat down at the table nearest the window.

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