Chapter Nine

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“Welcome to the Dean’s Office, take a seat, please.” The secretary announced, and I obliged. I had taken two steps out of the cafeteria before my guilt set in. What was I thinking? I should have just left Chad alone, instead of partaking in his stupid brawl. He obviously didn’t know how to fight correctly! How could I have sunken to his level? My head hung in shame, and I twiddled my thumbs nervously.

After what seemed like an hour, but what must have only been five minutes, I was called into the Dean’s room. “Take a seat,” he instructed, and I obeyed anxiously.

“What’s wron--,” he started, but he didn’t have a chance to finish.

“Okay, so I was in the lunch line and Chad was being a butt and grabbed me by the shirt and called me ‘Snowflake’ which I don’t think is clever at all, but anyways he wanted to fight and the students formed a circle-thingy and we were closed in and he punched my face but then I flipped him onto the ground and everyone was quiet and I left, and I didn’t mean to fight I was just gonna walk away but I was just defending myself, and I didn’t mean to, it was wrong and I was wrong, and I ditched school on Friday, too, and I’m sorry.” I babbled in one long breath. I took a huge breath in afterward and squeezed my eyes shut, afraid to hear his jurisdiction.

It was quiet while he interpreted my words. My pulse was hammering in my ears, and I peeked one eye open to see him staring at me intently. Calculating. I winced and wrung my hands nervously.

“You and Chad, uh,--”

“Billingsworth,” I supplied quickly.

“Yes, Chad Billingsworth,” he corrected himself, “are to be RPCed. Fighting could result in expulsion, but since you reported immideately to the office and it’s your first offence, the school system will go easy on you. Chad, on the other hand, will be suspended. This is not his first fight, but hopefully his last. Thank you for reporting this incident to the office.” the Dean, Mr. Arch, announced.

“No problem,” I replied weakly while gathering my things.

“Also, five day’s detention for ditching. We’ll call your guardian and she’ll come to pick you up soon. Wait in the waiting room for her arrival.”

“Can do. Bye,” I replied shakily before stepping out of his office and sinking into the chair I sat in just a few minutes ago.

My first thought was, Did I just tattle on myself? Soon to be followed by, Chad is going to be so pissed. That eventually resolved into, Amma is going to be furious.

“Hello, óþekktarormur.” Said a faintly familiar voice.

I looked up and saw none other than a snidely smirking Arthur. “What do you want?” I scowled, feeling depressed again.

“Just information. Why are you in the Dean’s Office? Did you get in trouble for leaving behind messes?” he snickered, and I shook my head.

“No, I got in trouble for fighting. So shut up or I’ll kick you scrawny butt, Arthur.”

“My name’s not Arthur,” he grimaced.

“So?” I asked, bored. “It’s close enough.”

He scowled, and I laughed at his expression. Flicking his sleek black hair out of his pale blue eyes, he picked up a manila folder and started sorting through it.

“What are you doing with that?” I asked, curious.

“I work here, stupid.” He rolled his eyes and continued sorting through the folder. “I’m a student aid for the Dean.”

“They have those?” I asked, before adding: “And I’m not stupid, Arthur.”

Arthur rolled his eyes again before tapping the folder with his index finger. “If you say so, little Miss C’s and B’s. Also, your attendance is terrible.”

It took a moment before I realized that he was holding my school records. “H-hey!” I whined, but he was already dialing a number into the school phone. I glowered at him, but he only smirked as said to the mystery caller, “Hello, Svanna.” My eyes shot open as I realized he was talking to my amma. Of all the people to call her about my brawl, did he have to do it? I anxiously looked to the secretary, who wore a face that said ‘touch him and you will be expelled’. I inwardly groaned as I slumped back into my chair, burying my hands into my face. Just then, Chad was called into the office over the intercom. Could my day just get any more fantastic? I thought wryly.

“Yes, this is Bjartur. It’s nice to hear from you, too, although I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Yes, Brynja was caught fighting at school,” he said, smugly looking at me the entire time he conversed with Amma. “I was not caught, I turned myself in,” I whisper-hissed, but he only held up a finger to silence me as he continued.

“Yes, she was fighting with a human boy,” ha announced, and the secretary shot him a strange look by kept working nonetheless. “Chad Billingsworth.”

As if on cue, Chad stormed in and saw me seated in the corner. He was furious. I took it not many people turned him in for fighting. “Sit down anywhere,” the secretary instructed absentmindedly, focused on her work. Chad nodded and sat across from me. Great.

“Oh, he just walked in now,” Arthur said, relishing in my misery. “Would you like to talk to him?”

Chad was glaring at me as he pounded his fist into his palm, and I didn’t have to guess that the palm represented me. “Wrap it up, boy,” I hissed to Arthur.

Arthur placed a hand over the receiver of the phone and asked, “What’s my name? And don’t say ‘Arthur’, or I will tell your amma things I bet she didn’t know from your record.”

I could feel my temper rising as Arthur waited patiently for me to answer while Chad continued to make silent death threat motions with his hands as the secretary typed away on her computer with her fake nails clacking against the keys. “Fine!” I hissed, breaking from the rising tension. Angry, I lobbed the word at him: “Bjartur.”

Bjartur smirked and said, “Please come quickly, your granddaughter is in a very foul mood. I’ll see you soon.” With that, he hung up the phone and smiled patiently at me. The secretary called Chad into the Mr. Arch’s room, and he shot me one last glare before obeying.

“I really hate you, Bjartur,” I frowned.

“Hate you too, óþekktarormur.” He replied coolly, and returned to his job.

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