Chapter 1

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Percy: Welcome to the game of truth or dare which we might play for days, weeks months, or years! The contestants are: the wonderful Percy Jackson and the other six of the prophecy, Calypso, the Stolls, Katie Gardner, and Nico di angelo!(these are a lot of people!)

Leo: Who made you game show host I should be the host since I'm obviously the right choice!

Percy: No me!

Annabeth: Both of you shut up, stop acting like babies, and get on with the freaking game!

Percy & Leo: Yes malady we are ever so sorry

Annabeth: Good I'll spin the bottle first.

*spins bottle*

Annabeth: Frank! truth or dare

Frank: erm umm dare *starts sweating*

Annabeth: *has an evil look* I dare you to flirt with Chiron and say that you love him

*Everyone gasps and Frank nearly faints*

Chiron: I heard that!

Annabeth: Fine! I dare you not to make any body contact with Hazel and that includies kissing for the rest of the day

Percy: NO NOT FRAZEL! I mean ahem spin the bottle Frank

Frank:*spins bottle* Travis Stoll! truth or dare

Travis: DARE

Frank: I dare you to kiss the most beautiful girl in the game

Travis: Well that's easy

Frank: Except for Katie

Travis: Oh umm *looks around the group*

Percy: *uncaps Riptide*

Jason: *takes out sword*

Leo:*takes out chainsaw from tool belt*

Frank:*sharpens bow and arrow* so who will it be?

Travis: ummmmmm *pool of sweat starts to soak his shirt*

To be continued

A/N So here's the first chapter! Don't you just love starting stories with cliffhangers? I do. Well I know not a lot of you will see this because I am a beginner but comment if you can. The next chappie will show what Travis' choice will be and other truths and dares still to come. Also I know this wasn't a very long chapter but the next one will definitely be longer. I think. I hope. Wow I'm making such a good impression. Anyways comment what you think and ideas would be helpful as well. Thank you and goodbye until next chappie.

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