Back to truth or dare chapter 6

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A/N before you read this I'm just saying that I don't have anything against Taylor Swift so please read on with no hate.

Leo: guys I think we make a great singing group

Calypso: you shouldn't be talking you sang the worst

Leo: honey I think you're talking about Percy

Percy: hey!

Annabeth: I actually agree with Leo for once

Everyone else nods

Percy: I think everyday is hate Percy day

Annabeth: *kisses Percy * feel better?

Percy: yup!

Piper: I ship it and the ship shall never go down!

Jason: Aphrodite must be taking over again Frank spin the bottle before the end of the world comes

Frank: *spins bottle* truth or dare Calypso?

Calypso: truth

Frank: on a scale if one to ten (ten being the worst) how bad is Leo's singing

Leo: did we not just say that Percy was worse?

Frank: that doesn't mean you're the best though

Calypso: 273628262473946292730173639194628

Frank: I said scale from one to ten but I didn't think he's this bad

Calypso: you should hear him when he's "alone" in bunker 9

Connor: HA! Travis and I recorded that once!

Travis: it was HILARIOUS! And Calypso you'd better watch for the music he's listening to

Calypso: and who might that be?

Travis & Connor: Taylor Swift

Calypso: what?!?!?!?!?! That sorry excuse for a BLONDE? No offence Annabeth and Jason

Leo: what do you have against her?

Calypso: I respected her when I heard her country music but then I heard her pop music and I felt a new hatred for her

Leo: ok who's teaching Calypso about Taylor Swift's music?

Jason & Piper: *quietly raises hands*

Leo: B-but beauty queen, Sparky-

Jason: only pipes calls me that

Leo: I feel betrayed * faints dramatically *

Piper: please spin Caly this is getting weird

Calypso: *spins bottle as Leo gets up again* Annabeth truth or dare?

Annabeth: dare

Calypso: I dare you to burp as loud as you can

Annabeth: hand me the soda

Percy hands over Annabeth a can of blue coke

Annabeth: if course it's blue * drinks the soda*


Travis: Connor I think she beat you on this one

Connor: B- but that's impossible!

Katie: I've waited for this moment all my life

Percy: blue coke really does wonders

Annabeth: hehe *spins bottle* well what do you know! Connor, truth or dare?

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